I am a guy in their young 20’s. I go on a fair amount of dates and have been in a ton of “situation-ships.” Sometimes I feel like I am almost too picky and afraid to almost settle for someone if they are missing a couple things I’m looking for.

Found one girl I really felt a spark with, but didn’t work out for logistical reasons. Been on 2-3 dozen more dates and haven’t felt that with someone and someone hasn’t checked all the boxes I am looking for.

I usually mainly dating apps to date which has worked ok. Allows me to see their interests and beliefs.

Sometimes I feel like I am looking for too much in a person and can’t look past their flaws/misses on my list.

I am young so not in a rush, but would prefer a relationship.

  1. it kind of depends on the attributes that are making and breaking things for you

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