So recently after having sex with my wife she decided to get real chatty. Somehow the topic of bigger guys got brought up and she didn’t hesitate to divulge her top guys in size. I’m feeling super insecure. I’ve always felt good about my size and with my wife but after that comment it’s like 8 years of feeling good was thrown out the door. Of course when I said how it made it me it was my fault for feeling insecure. Then on top of that, she used to keep idk if you could call it a journal or sex journal about guys she’s been with and I had found it early on in the relationship. Well it had this guy in it and I brought that up again and how it made me feel like I wasn’t enough and all she says is I should of stepped up to the challenge of this guy being so good and I hadn’t. Like wtf. Our marriage has already been on the rocks but after this I just feel done with this woman. Even if she bluntly asked I would never tell her I’d been with fitter girls with bigger breasts. What’s wrong with her

  1. No offense dude but your wife sounds like a real asshole. Every woman knows that is one of the biggest thing men worry about. How do they stack up to the exes. To do that to you sucks ass and you deserve better. Have I had bigger cock than my current partner? Yes….but it doesn’t matter because when he’s fucking me it feels like he’s swinging 10 inches

  2. Your wife sounds like a really crappy person. Who says something like that? Im really sorry man. If you already are having problems this just makes things worse.

  3. I’m sorry you have to deal with a person like that. Seems like she just gets off on making you feel bad. Not cool! Sorry man.

  4. Sounds like she was trying to make you feel bad about yourself. And that’s not exactly the type of relationship you should want to stay in. From the little information I have about your marriage I would say separate and see how she likes it, then proceed from there.

  5. Sounds like she’s over the relationship too if she’s willing to be so insensitive.

    As a woman I also think this is a stupid thing to be insecure about. But, I also understand men have feelings about this in the same way women have feelings about other girls being prettier/fitter/whatever. It’s not something a wife should ever bring up as topic of conversation out of respect.

  6. >Somehow the topic of bigger guys got brought up

    How this topic came up really changes our thoughts on this. If you ask or bring the topic up, you have to take the answer, whatever that answer is. You can’t expect her to lie to you. If she brought it up, that’s just weird and I wonder if she was attempting to “neg” or what her goal there was.

  7. Well, yeah, you’re feeling insecure, but she is the reason why. Not sure what to tell ya, but life is too short to be in a relationship that makes you feel like shit.

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