To be eligible to answer you have to be atleast in the latter half of your late 20s. Parts about aging that are ‘Kinda Nice’ would do too.

  1. You can have ice cream as breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert and no one can stop you

  2. No longer giving a shit. I don’t care what people think of me, I don’t care for social norms. I treat everyone as well as possible and I expect and deserve the same in return.

  3. For some reason working out feels “smoother”. It’s been a few years and I’ve been back a couple of weeks but I feel like my form is perfect, the gains are just falling out of the sky and no little aches and pains.

  4. I personally spend much less time looking at myself in the mirror, both literally and metaphorically. I am still aware when I look like shit; any anxiety surrounding it is completely gone. And I’m not technically “old”; not by government pension/actual old person standards, I’m in my mid 30’s

    As far as the mental reflection side goes, I am aware of my flaws. I don’t ignore them, and I continue to work on the ones that need attention, and the rest can just be. I just am a miserable person pre-7AM on my day off, too bad for the world lol.

  5. The older I get, the less I care about others opinions about what I am and what I do. It’s wonderful to realize you don’t have to listen to other people’s crap ideas. Same goes with not trying to be nice to people if they are not nice themselves. Freeing really!

  6. For me its just being more able to “go for things”.

    I’m very aware that life is weird, strange and crazy and i’m just embracing it. A month ago I was working at a different place that didn’t work out. Next month i’ll be halfway across the country in a new city.

    It has its ups and downs but just going “yeah, i’ll manage” and being old and experienced enough to try things out is pretty good. Wish i did that in my early 20’s.

  7. Truly comfortable in my own skin.

    Ability to say no, really mean it, and not feel even slightly bad about it.

    Wisdom that comes with experience. I’ve learnt some lessons the hard way and don’t need to learn them again.

    Watching my beautiful sons grow from babies into their own distinct individual personalities.

    Deepening and intensifying of my relationship with my wife. We’ve been together nearly 30 years now. And I somehow still find her as attractive and magnetic as ever.

    And possibly the best of all – the conquest of my persistent anxiety

  8. Wait 20’s is old. Jesus I must be ancient in my 40’s.

    Age is a good thing. Means I am alive.

    Making more money than in my 20’s. Having more experience with most things so things rarely shock me. If I have not been in a similar situation then I have an idea what to do as I have heard or similar skill set to not be bothered. Like a Swiss Army knife in your mind. Not being bothered about most things.

  9. Im 51. The best part is seeing through peoples bullshit! The other part is people not expecting you to fall for it.

  10. 63 years old here. Not caring how others think about me. Yes just a general, I don’t give a shit attitude. I often have a hamburger for breakfast and it’s the best!

  11. For me. I’m 38. I spent my 20s running marathons and cage fighting and trying to make life work. Spent a lot of time partying. And now Im older I don’t do any of that stuff besides work. I find I get to enjoy life more. I’ve gained a bit of weight sure but I don’t feel the pressure I used to feel.

  12. I’m gonna be 70 next month. I can finally say anything to anybody at anytime without any repercussions because they just think I’m a crazy old bastard but I also get a lot of high fives doing it.

  13. I’m 45. I don’t feel old, but the older I get, the better sex I’m having. It also seems like women in their 40s are feeling the same. My 20s and part of my 30s were spent sacrificing what I wanted sexually just to have sex with a woman my age. Now, we’re upfront and honest about what we like and it’s just better all around.

  14. You start to really understand what matters to you. Everything else kinda melts away

  15. Achieving a long term goal. I’m talking something you set out to do 10+ years ago. Could be buying a house or starting a family, getting that degree or mastering a new skill, doesn’t matter. Some thing simply take a lot of time to do and it’s super satisfying once you are able to look back and be like “ Fuck yeah. I did it!”

  16. I’m 53. I started doing testosterone therapy at 45 since it helps with high cholesterol. I have hypercholesterolemia. It’s like I’m in an 18-year-old body, with the wisdom of an older man. The availability and life change have been something I try to convince every man to do.

  17. I’m in my mid-30s and it is far and away the best decade of my life. I have money and a career that is positively bursting with potential. I am in a long-term, serious relationship with a woman with marriage/children shortly on the horizon. I **choose** my company now for the most part and don’t have to be subject to poor treatment from others as I had in the past. I am ok with aging because it feels like life has only truly just begun.

  18. 28 here, so just growing older as opposed to old, but not being pressured into staying out until 4 in the morning or downing shots or beers all night anymore makes for much more relaxing evenings. Friends understand that ‘I’m busy that day’ means you’re busy that day, and ‘I’m too tired’ is followed up by ‘Ok, let’s hang out another time’ as opposed to being nagged and pressured.

  19. I don’t care about people’s opinions any more, whether they are younger or older than me. I’m older now than Jesus, Bruce Lee, Alexander the Great, Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson, and so on so I know I’m at the age of when men can do great things and be taken seriously (not that I am, but for much of our generation I think we still feel young because we spent so much time living with our parents). I can eat a turkey leg for breakfast, I can enjoy the look of a charming seaside town, I can appreciate good looking women but not salivate after them, I can be whoever I want to be, it’s pretty nice.

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