25F here. I asked my group of guy friends a question that had them debating for at least 45 minutes. It went, “Would you rather lose 5 inches off of your height, or 3 inches off of your penis length?” (If you had to choose, basically)

The girls found it hilarious, to say the least.

  1. Me and old friend used to argue over wether fantasy football was D&D for jocks

  2. GOAT debates in any sport will get us there. A few of us have stories about the worst job sites we’ve been on and who is the worst customer to work for. Best musician was also a good one.

  3. “Why didn’t you gank mid bro? He had no wards and I was at tower!” We don’t play that game no more

  4. The term milf applies to those over 30. If you’re 21 and attractive and have a 2 year old that’s not a milf. That’s a young mom.

    Yes I know technically a milf is a mother. But if someone says hey I hooked up with a milf are you thinking of a 20 something or a 30-40 year old?

  5. How many, if any at all, wolves could you kill with your bare hands.

    My answer is zero. My friend Shawn? Any and all.

  6. I’ve gotten into weird arguments over nerd shit (like SAO is a trash tier anime and abridged series are sometimes better than the original).

    To answer your question, take my height. Being shorter would make my penis look proportionally larger vs a shorter penis would just be a shorter penis.

  7. John Bonham v Kieth Moon. The neighbors had to come over and tell us to keep it down.

  8. Either be 5-5” or have a 5” penis? Thats a hard one but probably go for the lose 3” as being taller has more advantages than penis length. My mates and I typically argue over rifle calibers.

  9. Should you be asking who is Rem, or how is Rem?

    FYI I don’t have any mates (question should make that clear) so I just asked this to myself.

  10. >Would you rather lose 5 inches off of your height, or 3 inches off of your penis length?

    Fuck that’s a good question. If you’re over 6’5″ the answer is a no-brainer

  11. I remember the cursed days of “is water wet?”. Hours upon hours of my life wasted. I will give no opinion because i refuse to start that shit again.

  12. Oh dude it’s any dumb shit, usually it’s anything that involves technicality like in card games, or video games. Got a mate that’s just a constant pain cuz he argued the bullshit “it should work like this not this” and always argues with my other buddies while I’m sitting there laughing my ass off

  13. Normally who the most talented motorcycle racer is, I argue Stoner and Marquez, most of my friends argue Rossi

    Also in answer to your friends question 3 inches off my dick because I’d only be like half an inch below average in my country but if I lost 5 inches from my height I wouldn’t be over 6ft anymore.

  14. 18 year olds sleeping with 17 year olds. Based on law its illegal in alot of places. The distance makes it normal and seem fine. But will the law see it that way if the 17 year old takes it to court and makes sexual accusations.

  15. A country-specific example but among us Czechs, the question: “Should we have defended ourselves in 1938?” guarantees you a night-long debate everytime.

  16. My best friend and always went back and forth for over a decade about Fight Club. I love the movie, he claims he hates it. He ended this last year by ending his best man toast at my wedding with saying that he has to admit it’s not a bad movie.

  17. 10 years ago, my closest friend and I got into a heated debate over who would win in a fight – Tony the Tiger, or Lucky the Leprechaun. To this day we’re both still sticking to our guns.

  18. Equal rights, equal rights. Dudes in my friend group say that men have no reason to be afraid of women. But I know that any woman can be as dangerous as any man, truthfully speaking.

  19. My best friend and I spent 2 hours discussing all the issues with the physics portrayed in AntMan.

    Marvel’s science explains that they remove the empty space between the atoms or whatever, so his mass stays the same.

    That would mean he’s still 200 lbs, but compressed to the size of an ant. Those scenes where he’s standing on Tony’s shoulder? That’s a 200 lb needle.

  20. The topic that comes up most frequently and usually ends hours later is “are European cars inherently unreliable”

    My argument: absolutely not

  21. Not really my friends, more friends of a friend. But whenever I feel like arguing, which is a lot cause I’m toxic, I just say “Hey how do you guys think Biden is doing?” And then we argue for like 3 hours.

  22. Back in the day (before Google or Reddit) 2 of my friends got into a seriously heated debate over how ski moguls are made. One said by machine, and the other said by many skiers following the same lines to form them. Got to the point they called a local ski resort and asked. Dude who answered asked if they were serious and then said “Neither of those are right. We have little green men that come out at night to make them while we all sleep”.

    Our whole group of friends still hangs on that one, and we still make fun of both of them for it. It was hilarious how mad they both got defending their theories, and the guy at the ski resort was the cherry on top.

  23. Oh I would lose it off my height no doubt, I’d still be taller than average, honestly I kinda feel too tall for things fairly frequently (if I’m riding in a car my head usually touches the ceiling if I sit up

  24. Wether or not captain America would beat spiderman. I’m 100% on spideys side just cause he’s so physically superior. He tanks hits wayyyyyyyyyy harder than cap could dish out and that alone gives him the W. The only advantage cap has is his experience and fighting intelligence

  25. Over whether or not polygamy should be legal.

    “If a man can love his children equally why can’t he love his wives equally?”
    “Nah bro, then the top guys will get all the girls and leave none for the rest of us.”
    “It’s about having choice, people can choose to remain monogamous or marry multiple people”
    “Do you want ww3 because of lack of pussy? Because that’s how you get ww3 because of lack of pussy.”

  26. I mean me and my friends will argue about anything honestly. People used to think we hated each other because we were always arguing about something. We just love arguing

  27. We were playing one of the Jackbox games at some get-together, and got into a heated debate over whether naming days after billionaires was cool or not.

    We tend to have discussions/arguments like that.

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