So today I was with a group of friends and one of the boys brought a girl. I don’t know her. When she came we all met and started talking and stuff. Her personality was really bubbly and she was pretty. At the end of the day me and her exchanged instagrams. Keep in mind I’m not that attractive, I was just making conversation and she was a genuinely interesting person, but omg her Instagram was so different from how she is.

Her Instagram made her look like she was a super model or something. She had like 900 followers with an average of 200 likes on each photo. I’m not saying she is click baiting. She is indeed very pretty. It’s just, if I saw her Instagram before meeting her in person, I would have been intimidated tbh.

So if you meet someone from Instagram and their Instagram looks intimating. Just remember that in person, they are just human. They aren’t some super egotistical models.

TL;DR: title

  1. Great job stressing the importance of getting to know people in real life before social media. People are always going to make themselves look way better on social media. I mean why would they want to make themselves look worse ? Also, a byproduct of meeting people in real life is that they will engage with you better on social media. Because online interactions reflect offline interactions, not the other way around. Sooner or later, if you consistently talk to people in real life, you might see yourself getting more validation and attention online naturally.

  2. I had a similar eye opening experience when I and a group of friends had a chat with my friends gf and watched the better call Saul finale together and found that she was really chill surprisingly but I still wouldn’t go near a Instagram model with a 10ft poll they seem way to egotistical on the surface to be friend material and way too out of my league to even consider dating maybe I’d only give normal woman the benefit of the doubt when it comes to my immediate biases of people even if they aren’t fair

  3. Had this similar situation happen to me earlier this year! Met a girl at a baseball game. I thought she was really sweet, gorgeous, etc, etc, and we talked all game. She gave me her Instagram and I couldn’t believe it when I looked at it…. She had thousands of followers and hundreds of likes (700-800) on each photo. She looked extremely high maintenance posing in really boujee outfits in every photo. It was the complete opposite of the vibes she was giving me in person.

    Unfortunately, her Instagram showed she had a boyfriend too so nothing happened with us, but it was definitely an eye opening experience for me.

  4. True it’s also vise versa as well, if you met someone and you were intimidating to the person and you share insta and were found to have less followers then you might most probably be rejected even if you had good talk IRL before …..
    So it’s not wrong to say that Instagram sells and has made people’s mindset to like the person with more followers irrespective of he /she looks bad , good or whatever.

  5. Faced a similar situation the other way around. A classmate of mine added me on social media before classes started. She was really pretty with hundreds of likes each post and I was intimidated meeting her in person. She looks just like her photos irl, but her intimidation wore off the more we talked because she didn’t give the vibe I expected.

  6. 900 followers with 200 is really not that hard to achieve for most zoomers, helps to be a girl sure but shes probably from a large high school and college. About average among people I know is like 600-700

  7. I get what you mean. Social media gives you the option to selectively portray the parts of your personality that are more interesting. I’m not an interesting person, but my social media makes me appear more so than in real life.

  8. So people portray themselves to be something they’re not on social media? What a complete surprise that is.

  9. There was that guy on Facebook, pretty popular among local millenials, posting some jokes everyday, fucking around, usually getting a LOT of reactions and attention from people, and was kind of an influencer I guess. But then I met him in person through a friend. Man was awkward as fuck. You could tell he didn’t know how to interact with humans in person. So yeah, I agree. Don’t but the internet persona thing.

  10. Yes! If you are going on a date don’t check their Instagram out before.

    I was so much happier when I deleted all social media.

    Use WhatsApp or messenger to stay in touch

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