What are great parts of adulthood nobody tells you about?

  1. freedom of choice. the great parts are yours to discover or search for. no more needing permission to have icecream for breakfast but you’ll learn from your own mistakes like how eating icecream for breakfast isn’t actually a great idea.

  2. I ate four packs of zebras for lunch the other day. They are basically icing covered Twinkies

  3. You can walk away from shit.

    You don’t have to put up with people who do you wrong.

    You can finally put up with people who are worth it.

    (Your parents aren’t going to be dictating your life or dragging you home.)

  4. The revelations which began to bubble during your teen years proceed to boil and eventually burst into an aurora of mind-blowing understanding and connection with the Universe.

  5. Didn’t know it as a kid, but like you literally don’t have to get married. It’s so fucking good!

  6. Adulthood in general is absolutely amazing. So much freedom to do anything you like in the world. I hated being a kid so much, my entire life I wanted to be an adult and everyone told me I was gonna miss being a kid. I do not, being a kid fucking sucks

  7. I could finally move off the farm and get a good internet connection. I also don’t have to worry about timing my wanks.

  8. Candy is for breakfast. A few years ago I would literally start my day with an energy drink and those life saver gummies. My doctor recently told me he doesn’t understand how I’m as healthy as I am. I’ll roll with it.

  9. Freedom to do what the fuck you want. I’m married so obviously I have do discuss things with my wife but as an example, I decided to get into golfing at the beginning of COVID. I never golfed prior, and now I’m actually quite good. I bought a decent set of clubs, hired a pro to teach, and now I can’t stop. It’s my favorite hobby. All because I just simply could.

    If you’re an adult, just do what you want. Life is short.

  10. Reading everyone’s comments. It got me thinking I’d totally give up that stuff to be a kid again

  11. Setting your own agenda and not being subjected to the whims of other people, especially your parents.

    Granted sometimes thats a good thing, and when you’re a kid you don’t always realise the benefit or the security of the shelter they gave you. However, there comes a time eventually where you’re living out on your own for the first time, like in a university dorm or your own place, and it just clicks with you that the only person that can tell you what to do at that moment is *you*.

    Now for some people this is a very destructive moment that leads to a lot of bad choices and consequences, but for most others the liberating rush you feel at the realisation that you don’t need to beg for or justify your own fun is only experienced once in your life before you know you can never go back to living under someone elses roof again.

  12. I can have ice cream whenever I want.

    I don’t have to cook my meals, I can just get take out whenever.

    I can go to bed whenever I want, stay out as long as I want.

    Weekends, just sleep in and do what ever I want.

  13. You don’t have to go on family holidays. Like, sometimes they suck and I don’t really get along w my family too well … and it’s only been this year that I stood up for myself and said “I’m not gonna come this year” expecting a lecture from my dad. Surprisingly he’s pretty chill abt it and said that bc I’m an adult I can do what I want … so that’s nice.

  14. Opportunity to do things better than people did before.


    You can buy and eat whatever you want. You can do some crazy shit and you don’t have to explain yourself. You don’t have to do anything, and fuck of anyone you don’t like. You can be alone anytime you want, you can hang out anytime you want. You have time to learn how to get money and not do shit, and there is no-one to ruin it, you don’t have to explain your “existence”. You can also have double triple life, and it’s lot easier to conceal such thing without someone sniffing up your ass for what you do and think. Only thing that you may be forced to is to think, time to time, but only once, next time you just remember from before. The freedom, to fuck up anything. Just make sure you enjoy your fuck ups. There is also that thrills, fights, fast rides, hitting on chicks, whatever makes your blood pump, whatever makes you feel like you never felt before.

    Drugs (and alcohol, same thing)…

    Sex, it’s lot easier and comfortable when you have own fuck place, you can have many things devoted to pleasure time, freedom in it. Noone to judge what you brought home, and no one to listen on behind doors, no need to be quiet, finally time to let the forbidden animal out without consequences from judgement of others.

    No more bothering to take care of this and that, no more peasant of parents, you are free (as long as you are not in their house/radar) becouse parents will be parents no matter age. When you enjoy out mentioned above, you will be happy for that, but that’s looong ahead, not now now you have mouth full of that, take your time and beer to swallow that first.

  15. Being allowed to eat cake whenever you want, no matter the time of day or occasion. As long as I hide to eat it while my kids are awake…

  16. You’re the one in control.

    If you want to have pancakes for dinner, you can. If you want to go get a new game, you can. If you want to go back to school, you can.

  17. Hey kids, you know that room you want, the one with the sweet monitor and all your consoles and PC? I have that. And I get to bang my hot wife that doesn’t care that I have that room.

  18. When I had a kid, my friend asked me one day “How are you not at Chuck E Cheese ALL THE TIME now?”.

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