I (M) have been dating this girl (F) for three weeks. I had no experience in kissing before and from what I know, she probably does have a little having had an ex-boyfriend.

Thing is… our kissing kind of sucks. It’s been a couple times already and it feels awkward to me. It seems our speeds don’t match (She tries to go faster when I go slow, then I try to speed up but then she slows down right away). Also, even though we have had some quite passionate kissing, I did try to get my tongue for french kissing and I just keep stumbling into her teeth.

What’s weird is that when I told her the first time something like “I will get better at this”, she told me “You are a good kisser” in what seemed like a sincere tone.

So, questions:

1) Is it normal to contantly stumble into teeth when trying to french kiss? Is it possible/likely she is just keeping me out even though we both like the idea of kissing each other?

2) What’s the more tactful way to approach this kind of conversations with your partner?

1 comment
  1. I personally always let the lady go first with the tongue, you have to take it easy and not stress about that, it’s just as if you were dancing 🙂

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