The whole month of June and into July this guy and I have gone out so far five times. He totally was the pursuer and the main initiator. He is super respectful and I really like him. I’ve met his friends and I’ve spent the night at his place 2/3 times so far. We have fooled around but we have not had sex yet, I told him that I need some more time and he is perfectly understanding of that.
In between our dates we would text/snap chat almost every day, even if it was just 1 or 2 texts.
So looking back I’ve noticed one thing that I have been doing that may have come off as a red flag. I know I come off as flighty with people, especially when it comes to making plans. For example with him I would be late to almost every date/hangout so far. I would also try and change the time that we meet alot. My friends that know me know that it’s just how I am but I can see how that may come across to someone just getting to know me.

I always would apologize and he would always tell me it was no big deal so I didn’t really think anything of it.
Our most recent date was a month ago where I invited him to my pool at my apartment. After that when he was leaving to go home he casually mentioned us seeing each other that upcoming weekend.
So the rest of that week before the weekend we were talking a lot more than usual like almost texting all day. So it was really surprising to me when that Friday came around and I asked him if he was doing anything fun that weekend and he replied that he had plans with friends. I didn’t think too much of it though because we were still texting throughout the weekend.
After that weekend though he got more distant. We would go days without talking to each other.

Now it has been four weeks since we have seen each other. Every weekend but one he has been out of town though.

Twice I have mentioned us potentially getting together. The first time I asked he was out of town and the other time (the weekend he was in town) he said he would let me know what his plans were but he never did.
So I started to overthink stuff two weeks ago and wonder if me being late all those times may have played a role?

So I sent him a very honest text where I apologized and explained myself for being late and how it is some thing that I am working on. He replied that he didn’t take it offensively and to not worry and that he has just been out of town every weekend this month (which is true). Then he said “we will hangout again soon!” and then he mentioned that the weekend of the 26th he should be in town and I replied I would be too.

Now I don’t know if he was just saying that to be nice but now it has been a week which is the longest we’ve gone without any form of communication. He was out of town last weekend but I feel if you liked a girl you’d make it a point to reach out even if you were out of town?

I don’t want to be that girl that can’t take a hint. It is just frustrating because he was super interested in me at first and it seems like out of nowhere he kind of just stopped. I understand he has been out of town and there may have been some earlier miscommunication because of my flighty behavior though.

  1. Yeah… you’re not taking a hint. Him not seeing you for a month is fine, we’re adults and have our own private lives. But him not talking to you for a week…he’s too much of a coward to cut you off, he wants you to do it. Either that or it’s satisfying that you came after him and he’s trying to get that again. Stop thinking about him, when you think about him distract yourself with a shower or show episode or ANYTHING positive.

  2. Ya, you played yourself. Either act like you’re interested in him by not being rude and late, and also by not being argumentative changing times all the time. If you’re getting to be argumentative in the early stages(honeymoon), it’s clear to a lot of men you will probably be a headache and they will just move on

  3. i don’t think you really did something wrong, i’m always late to things too and i always communicate abt it so they know i’m not trying to ditch them or leave them waiting/hanging. if he lost interest, i think that’s on him. realizing that is hard, so if you ‘couldn’t take the hint’ i think that’s okay and not your fault. mmmm i would say figure out if u still want to hang w him, and if not, ending things wouldn’t be the worst. don’t settle bb 🤍

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