What is a scar which you do not like to hide or just love to show off?

  1. I was stung by a jellyfish on my thigh when I was 8 years old and I was pulled out of the water while the jellyfish was still on me.

    15 years later, I still have the trace of its tentacles and they form the first letter of my name, which is pretty cool.

  2. I hate my new stretch marks on my sides and belly from being pregnant last year. They’re ugly and dark and I’ve been working on lightening them.

    Also hate any hyperpigmentation on my body in general. I hate scars on my face from pimples, hate scars from ingrowns, etc. So I use stuff to lighten those, too.

  3. I have one on my knee, but I wouldn’t say I love to show it off. It’s just part of me and I’m not going to stop wearing dresses or shorts that are above my knee just to keep it hidden.

  4. I have one on my eyebrow. When I was in class 7, during school hours, since we didn’t have a proper area for games period back then we were in the multipurpose hall. I didn’t notice then that there was a pillar just beside me (and only me) and it was my turn to run. I turn towards my right and bam I hit my head on the pillar. Since the walls and pillars had tile as high as 6’0 I hit my head on the edge of the tile and got a cut.

    I don’t cover it, infact I like to keep it that way.

  5. None; some I want to hide while I’m simply neutral about some other scars and don’t care if they show (i.e. the ones on my hands).

  6. Neck scar. I got my throat slit when younger, it goes sort of horizontal across the front of my throat and is bright red 17 years later. I use to be ashamed and tried to hide it but I do not care anymore and let people stare.

  7. I can’t show it off because of its location, but if I could show it I would. I have many large scars, but probably the only one I would “show off” is the one I got from a dog bite. My daughter was mauled head to toe by a dog and had to be flown to a trauma center 2 hours away(by car) for life saving procedures. I’m disabled with cancer, I fought the dog off of her three times but I wasn’t fast enough to get her to safety, the first two times she was ripped out of my arms again. The third time I was losing strength, I couldn’t fight anymore and I knew if he grabbed her again I might not be able to get him off. So I did the only thing I could think of which was basically just lay on top of her. She was in the fetal position and I just surrounded her as much as I could. The second I felt the dogs teeth sink into my thigh, I stood up with her and threw her into our screened in porch. Luckily my husband(who was in the shower) was coming outside right when I threw her and was able to catch her and drag her inside. The dog was still hanging from my thigh, I thought it was just hanging there the whole time but according to my husband when he walked out it looked like those dogs that swing from the ropes hanging from trees, flailing with his feet just touching the ground. Doing that tore the wound open way worse, and it caused the dog to bite me multiple times because he was slipping down my thigh, but it was the last opportunity I had to get her to safety because I had no idea if my husband could even hear what was going on.

  8. I love any kind of scar and kind of wish I had any that are visible (but of course I’m glad I never got hurt badly)

  9. I have a titanium plate in my wrist, and the stitches formed 2 rows of hearts on either side of the long scar, which I think is cute. Not sure I love to show it off, but due to its placement I don’t hide it

  10. I have a scar on my thigh from when I had a huge ass cyst/pimple growing there. When they extracted it, it left a hole there and now a big scar. I don’t necessarily show it off, but it is what it is and it’s there for everyone to see

  11. I have a small scar half in-half above my eyebrow. It’s from running into a coffee table as a child, but I think it gives me a certain dangerous edge. I have actually considered plucking my eyebrows just so the scar is more visible because eyebrow scars are cool

  12. Pregnancy is always rough on me since I’m high risk and I’m practically sick all throughout. I’ve had 2 c-sections and though it’s hard to show those scars off due to their location, I love them because I’m grateful my body was able to carry my babies.

  13. I have loads that I kind of feel indifferent about – SH scars, appendix removal, kidney removal.

    The one that I like is my kidney transplant scar but really only because my dad donated a kidney and without him, I’d be dead. It makes me feel really proud and grateful for my dad.

  14. I have large unsightly keloid scars on both shoulders and smaller but very noticeable ones on my chest. They make me really paranoid and self concious as they look awful.

  15. I have a scar fetish , to me all scars are beautiful and I love showing them (even the tiniest on my eyebrow)

  16. I have a keloid scar on my left broken wrist after surgery. I forget it’s there and it looks BA.

  17. I have a small scar just above my pubes, where an old partner was not very careful when shaving me… Not a place where I go around and show everyone my cool scar, but some select people get to see it. 😇

  18. i have more than 10 scars, some visible, some not. hate all of them but the ones who are visible (like neck, armpit) i can’t do much about it. the others makes me be extra careful with my clothes like no crop tops, no bikinis, etc

  19. I don’t hide any of my scars! I have a big one on my thigh, one on my forehead, some on my arms, feet, hands… I have quite a few and they all have different stories XD

  20. I have a scar at the base of my neck from having my thyroid removed. It looks like I was stabbed in the neck lol.

  21. Your Milage May Vary. Saying you might enjoy it or not. I only ever did that with one partner. She was always very neatly trimmed and shaved, and I asked her to show me how to get cleaner results. What followed were some very memorable evenings. But one evening she got to excited and nicked me with the razor. Not a deep cut, but it left a small scar.

  22. I don’t bother hiding any scars I have. My favourite I think is a little cut on my wrist which is made when trying to take off a pair of shoes.

  23. Scar I wish to hide is my chicken pox scar on the side of my right eye. I should’ve listen to my mom not to scratch it since it will leave a scar. I don’t mind my other scars on my face. I have a scar on my eyebrow due to me being a stupid 10 year old jumping off a bar stool and lost my entire eyebrow. I had to get plastic surgery to have an eyebrow

  24. My whole body is covered by self-harm scars. I never hide them. I just don’t care about it and they are part of me, I wanted to create the wounds and I was aware of the consequences it will leave, so I kinda treat them as tattoos or sth. I don’t notice them until someone points it out.

    I am kinda pride of a scar on my forehead. One time when I did MDMA I slightly overdosed and lost my consciousness, hit my head on the edge of my desk and got a dent/scar. It’s not like I’m proud of doing drugs, no. I’m proud because I had this experience and survived, now I know how does it feel like. I’d like to study substances more in the future and this experience gave me some new knowledge that I can use in the future to make the world a bit better.

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