Would u make promises u can’t keep and why?

  1. Not intentionally. I wouldn’t consider it honest or ethical to knowingly make promises that I didn’t intend to keep.

  2. Intentionally I don’t.

    Nor do I agree to do favors I’m sure I can’t do.

    When someone asks me to do to them a favor, before saying yes I will just say “it depends on what you want me to do”

  3. If I make a promise I have every intention of keeping it unless something happens that’s just completely out of my control.

  4. Well… I promised my wife i’d never cut myself again. At the time I genuinely meant it, but I didn’t keep the promise – she understood though

  5. My mom used to break promises with me all the time, so I try my best to not set myself up for failure. So, no I don’t and if I do, it’s very rare.

  6. Typically, no. I have made promises I intended on keeping but the world got in the way, nothing I could do about it. Though; the first thing that came to mind was when we learned my very senile grandfather was going to pass away within days, he kept asking me for beer and smokes, I finally promised him I’d get him his beer and smokes. He never asked again. He died days later.

  7. Sure, if someone points a gun at me I’ll promise anything to survive and mean none of it

    I don’t consider lying to survive to be a bad thing

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