In your 20s you look your best, fit, motivated, and natural selection does the rest for you. Cons might be that you’re broke during that time. Your latter age means you will have more freedom, does not care what society thinks, and the decisions that made you reach here would be the result of values you held so far. At this point, if you have found a partner, did you feel good about the way you came to the choice? And what do you think about them?

  1. We found each when we meant too. We were both going through or about to go through major life changes and it just lines up

  2. I waited until age 43 to get married. 18 months later she threw me out. Divorce was final Oct of 2021. I’m 48 now. I’m still struggling with the hurt, pain, rejection, and the fact I’m running out of time to find the next soul mate.

    A close friend recently told me after 22 yrs of marriage she was done. Come to find out he’s hit her before but this time he threw chicken at her. Sounds silly but she was in the middle of cooking them dinner and he got triggered by her comment and that’s what he did.

    Turns out he’s now going to get help like all the times before. Putting hands on someone is never okay but I honestly hope they work it out.

    This triggered me though. I didn’t cheat, cuss, hit, or drink while married. I was home everyday at a reasonable time. Did my best to not upset my wife. Did as much as I could to help her out and it wasn’t enough to keep her loving me.

    Yet this friend’s husband has been on drugs and cheated and hit her and she keeps going back.

    So in the end it is true, good guys never win.

    I guess I’m not okay yet. Sorry.

  3. I met her at 35, we married at 40. We had 20 years of marriage before she passed. Glad I had that time with her. Wished we had met sooner, but as my wife pointed out, in our 20’s, we would have walked right past each other.

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