I didn’t reach out, we’ve been in no contact. But I was flooded with lots of thoughts that whole week. He broke up with me at the beginning of May.

It took me getting distance from the relationship to look back and realize how much it was wearing on me. I realize that I was being emotionally abused, constantly made to feel like I was not good enough, constantly told that I was too anxious, too this too that. Now I have guys asking me if I feel adequately cared for and appreciated by them. WOW, someone is asking me what they can do for me?! I’m floored.

I feel like I still carry scars from my old relationship, I do have some trust issues as well. I’m more guarded. But I’m smarter and in the process of healing.

If you are in a relationship where you feel like you’re not happy, you’re not being yourself, you’re stressed. Please do yourself a favor and get out.

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