Hi guys, I’m sure I’m not alone in this.

Whether I talk to my male friends in private or think about them more than needed, or caught them looking at me with caring look… I start fantasizing involuntarily and it’s disturbing.

It’s not some sexual dreams, it’s some cute or romantic scenes, some altered scenes from romantic dramas starring usus, e.g. some rescuing scene with hero and damsel in distress lol

I’d have not problem, if they were someone I like. But they are just someone I know and don’t consider as potential boyfriend. So it’s awkward.

Can be the lack of experience the reason? I never actually date…

  1. Lack of experience and lack of attention. Date people you’re actually interested in, so you don’t create false narratives with friends.

  2. Daydreaming is a completely normal thing for brains to do. Mine tend to be kinda embarrassing too, but you know, if you fart when you’re by yourself is it really a problem?

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