I’ve been seeing someone for 9 months. We spend almost all of our time together, easily having sleepover parties more nights than not.

The thing is, I’ve told him I love him. I’m not saying it constantly or anything, but every once in a while I feel overwhelmed with how I feel about him and I’ll say it. I don’t say it for any reciprocation. With that said, he hasn’t reciprocated – or rather he has, but it was once and he was a little bit stoned and hasn’t said anything like it since. I know that he cares about me so I’m not terribly concerned about what words he chooses to say. Ask me if/when he hasn’t said it in 5 years, and I might change my tune.

Anyway! Since he hasn’t told me that he loves me, is it a major turn off that I occasionally tell him that I love him? Should I stop? Should I just change my language to something a little less *love*?

  1. Youve got to ask him, not us. We cant tell you whats going on in his head. My partner and i started saying i love you six months before we even started dating, i say it a lot, he says it very very little, weve been together for seven years. For him its just how he was raised. His mom has literally never told him she loves him. So its not a big part of his vocabulary.

  2. Hmmmm… it’s possible too that he’s not comfortable with saying it, he wasn’t raised to say it, or he’s never said it before. Sometimes people feel it before they say it. Life is too short to not tell people you love them… obviously, gauge the mood and situation. You can also show him through your actions as well.

  3. I feel love for people, but I doubt I’ll ever say it out loud again. One time I got told “LOL”, another time “I don’t feel that way,” (but wanted to keep me as a secret gf).

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