Hi all

So my(23f) fiance(29m) is now asking to cancel our entire wedding and just opt to register our marriage because we are pretty much in the hole financially. We’ve so far only invested alittle over $3k but would have had ATLEAST $27k more to pay had we gone through with it.

We’ve had to sacrifice literally everything that mattered to us such as regular dates, eating out occasionally or even getting groceries which ofcourse led to us fighting about money.

Thing is though I never wanted a wedding at all because of the fact that i knew what it would mean for us financially. But my fiance always wanted us to have a wedding and he’s made that clear throughout our relationship whenever the thought of marriage came about. But now after everything and all the scrimping and saving, he’s just given up and wants to scrap the whole thing. It makes all the sense and everything but i cant help but feel like he’s doing this because he feels defeated and that I would be robbing him off of this experience if we cancel the wedding. He insists that its all cool and good but i really dont want to begin this marriage from a lie (if he is infact lying about being fine with all this).

Any thoughts?

  1. You can always opt for something smaller within your budget. It’s not either having a massive wedding or no wedding at all. You can have a small courthouse wedding with a dinner with your close ones afterwards. You don’t have to have a fancy photographer and specific decor set up for you. Or 200 guests…just go for something smaller as a compromise 🙂

  2. I think you are the responsible one here. And really the markings of great wife. Tell him how you feel, that you would prefer your life together be secure rather than waste money on an extravagant event that is literally money down the drain. And if he really want to celebrate your union, he can always do so when you guys are more secure for a 5 or ten year anniversary. Which in my opinion is a way better cause to celebrate given the divorce rate nowadays.

  3. Why does a wedding have to cost $30k? There are ways of doing a nice ceremony and reception for significantly less than that. Even the $3k you have already saved could get you something nice, it would just have to be small scale.

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