I am really struggling to stand up against a narcissist no matter how much I prepared and composed myself whenever they attack me. I am so done with being their victim but they always had their way to blame shift and seem righteous while I end up being the dumb and nonsense one when I tried to point out their fault and unacceptable behavior. They are so smart to somehow convince the crowd including myself that I am actually the problem although I know in my core that there is something wrong and I have no bad intentions.

I cannot simply leave and ignore them because we are boardmates and classmates. This is very draining, but the saddest part is I loved and cared for them with all my heart as my friends. How can I make things right and be an educated empath to avoid future related-encounters?

  1. Go and practice a contact sport.


    P.S. not suggesting you take the punching skills out of the gym. Only the rest of the things 🙂

  2. In my experience with a narcissist, standing up to them only leads to an argument as they are unable to see any other viewpoint to their own. Many people recommend just using the “grey rock” technique in which you give them little engagement, respond as little as possible and not feed their desire for drama.

  3. i think the best thing with a narcissist is to just give them as little mind and attention as possible. their arguments can last for hours and you’ll just exhaust yourself, dont meet them on their level because thats what they want, an opportunity. dont give it to them.

  4. Place your attention elsewhere and slowly drift away from them. Even if they seemed to have changed, they’ll wait to act the same way again then you’ll be stuck in a cycle of abuse.

    Best method is to walk away. Let them scream by themselves, they’ll eventually look stupid talking to a wall.

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