I’ve always always had this impression that dicks have a “mild natural dicky smell” ever since my first encounter w a dick since 16.

but recently I encountered this guy who’s dick didn’t have any smell, now I’m just in shock. did I just suck a bunch of stinky dicks in my past or do all dicks have natural smells and it varies between ppl???

Im also questioning my memory I don’t know if all dicks in my past smelled or if that’s just in my head.

  1. his dick might not smell because he bathed very recently before you hooked up … or you have covid and you cant smell shit

  2. I think most women will say yes, not a bad smell or anything like that but just a natural smell. Like all vaginas have a little natural smell?

  3. Yes, just like the female genitalia. The glans is mucous membrane and produces a protective substance. Just like your clitoris does, because the male glans and female clitoris are homologous.

    That is the natural smell.

  4. Well, people overall have terrible hygiene, maybe you found someone who doesn’t

  5. Dicks do have a natural smell. It’s not a bad smell. If it is a bad smell, it’s because he’s sweating a lot, it’s been a while since he washed or he has poor hygiene. You can usually tell the difference. If he has practically no smell, it’s usually because he’s very recently washed or wiped himself with a baby wipe – very often guys will do it to be polite.

  6. My first bfs dick actually reeked so bad and I thought oh all dicks must smell like this. Had 2 bfs since whos dicks do not smell unless they recently peed or something.

  7. For the record, my dick has a natural smell. Even after showering it has a slight scent. Can’t speak for everyone though.

  8. my fella’s smells & tastes like absolutely nothing I can’t compare it to anything because anything to compare it to does not exist.

  9. All dicks and pussies for that matter have a natural smell. Everyone’s body chemistry is a little bit different.

  10. To people who say dicks don’t smell: It’s genitalia that are sitting inside 2 layers of cloth the entire day. Unless you shower right before intercourse or are exceptionally sweat-free and non-smelly, a dick will have an odor to it. Nothing super stinky unless hygiene is bad or the person is very sweaty usually, but it will have a smell, just as every vagina ever.

    I always sneak into the bathroom to refresh my genital area when i suspect intercourse might happen.

  11. Some guys don’t smell at all, other do. My dick never has a smell just like my forearm. The area between my balls and thighs has a slight smell.

  12. In my experience, it’s mostly the sweat / poor grooming of pubic hair that leads to the smell. If you’r going down on a guy after a night of dancing, it’s going to be sweaty and gross. Frankly I don’t get why aren’t self conscious about this. Girls are expected to always be cleanly shaved or trimmed and smell free… Kudos to the guys who shave down there and actually clean themselves up before getting things going.

  13. I would say most of the guys you hooked up with were just gross and didn’t bath before hand.

  14. I’ve seen and played with a multitude of dicks. They usually have a smell. My husbands smells like cheap brand frozen burritos after you nuke em’ in a microwave. It’s comforting, really.

  15. Now that you’re older, you’re meeting guys that actually clean their pp.

  16. I’ve only ran into dicks with a smell maybe twice. They shouldn’t smell like anything other than skin

  17. IMO dicks smell like an organ, and just like pussy, the smell can vary depending on your ph, hormonal state, what you eat… it doesnt smell bad, It just smells like a natural door an organ would have. Peepee on the other hand, smells nasty. Yall don’t wash after peeing. Do the math yourself.

  18. Just checking, but is one of the signs of Covid “losing the ability to smell dick?”

  19. This sounds like a philosophical question.

    If a penis goes unbathed in the forest, but no partner is around to smell it – does it really stink?

  20. I think everyone has a different smell, dicks, pussies, just body odor in general, pheromones’ as it were…

    I’m no expert on dick smells, I’ve never had my nose close to one, but I can say the smell of a vagina can very greatly.

    If most of the dicks you smelled were after a night out at a sweaty bar, then the smell you are used to probably mostly sweat… It also depends on a lot on diet, so I am sure college kids dicks smell worse eating processed foods, then the dick of someone who eats a balanced diet.

  21. If im freshly out of shower there wont be no smell for at least 12h. Im circumsized tho

  22. That’s why I like a hairy pussy the hair holds all those yummy smells I like to bury my face in’em after they have had a particularly long day or right after a workout..😜

  23. There is a natural musk – women also have a musk. Obviously bathing recently will reduce the musk.

    There’s also stank from poor (or not recent) hygiene practices – they are very different and you’d know the difference.

  24. Our bodies are like Game of Thrones; there’s always some tribe or family of microscopic shit fighting for control of our Kingdom of Skin. Some tribes smell worse than others.

    Sometimes wiping out a particular tribe (maybe using an anti-bacterial soap… bad bad not good) allows another worse tribe to invade in the power-vacuum…

  25. Almost all dicks I ve seen/smelled have at least some form of mild subtle manly musk. Just the whole groin. Unless the ones who litteraly showered minutes before. Alltough every dick has his own musk they are all comparable.

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