Well if you had an option and you didn’t get laid in 4 years would you rather use and manipulate girl that you find attractive only for sex or you would try your best to hook up and find a girl that you want to form a relationship with.

  1. If I was so desperate to get laid that considering manipulating people was on the table, I’d use the services of a sex worker instead of being an asshole.

  2. Did you really just ask “would you rather be an asshole or a decent person?” You know there’s a middle ground here right?

  3. Just find another man if you are that desperate that you feel like being an absolute cunt.

  4. > Well if you had an option and you didn’t get laid in 4 years would you rather use and manipulate girl that you find attractive only for sex or you would try your best to hook up and find a girl that you want to form a relationship with.

    Bruh, just be straightforward about what you want.

  5. Everything is a form of manipulation. There is embellishment in everything said to create an endearing atmosphere in which any relationship grows. The only difference is your initial intent. You’re going to do and say the exact same things to get what you want.

  6. I would just hook up with a girl instead of playing games. Wouldn’t wait 4 years either

  7. I’d be an asshole.

    I’m currently being an asshole. It works for me.

    Listen if a woman if going to fall for the lines and believe me then it’s on her. I’ve said it before.

  8. Neither…

    I’d figure out why I want a relationship. What kind of person do I want to talk to for 1000 hours?

    I’d quit thinking about hooking up completely. I’d focus that energy toward personal growth.


    Your question is like ‘if I’m really dehydrated and the only drinks you have are pepsi or beer, which should I drink?’

    Neither – I should walk to the kitchen, get the biggest glass available, fill it with clean clear water, and start chugging.

  9. I’d only ever sleep with a woman that I was interested in a long-term relationship with.

  10. With that question, I can imagine why you haven’t had sex for four years.

    Because to me, your sounding a bit rapey. I’d suggest therapy?!

  11. Neither? This is a dumb binary choice.

    Instead I’d head to the gym, clean my apartment, and buy some decent clothes. Then I’d get on Tinder.

  12. I’d rather pay a sex worker, or reluctantly try the first option. Being straightforward only works with lucky or attractive people.

  13. Damn, why does it have to be “use and manipulate”? Most are happy if they can avoid being used and manipulated themselves. There are enough women there who want casual sex that there is no need to be a turd.

  14. I’d bet all my Reddit points that you have never had consensual sex before. Please, do the world a favor and take a vow of celibacy. You aren’t worthy of the affection of a woman.

  15. Ive had enough sex in my life that now I just want a nap and nobody blowing up my phone.

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