I met this guy through a friend in common. We started to hang out, the three of us, and we got along pretty well. He introduced me to his family which I ended up loving and them loving me back as well.

I used to go to their home to eat his mom’s delicious meals and every time I went over I brought something. I couldn’t go with my hands empty. And then they became like a family to me and me to them (even his mom calls me daughter and my contact is saved like that in her phone).

But before all that, like months after we met, he confessed to me… when I was drunk and through the phone. I panicked and I said I didn’t like him.

(because I got scared and I wasn’t sure of what I felt for him because I haven’t even let myself have like romantic thoughts around him and because I have trust issues and low self stem like I don’t believe I could be attractive to someone)

Next morning we talk again and I tell him I didn’t remember anything from last night (I lied) and he tells me what happened and told me that he told me that he likes me. I answered the same again: that I didn’t like him back.

When he confessed I started thinking of all of our interactions and I realized that I may had liked him back. Then I tried to get to meet us but he was working or had something to do, he was always busy and he couldn’t. He disappeared for like a year, and we only hanged out after that time with our friend in common.

When I met him again he told me he had a girlfriend and, of course, I was in ulterior shock, because I liked him. I didn’t say anything because I understood I lost my chance and it wasn’t fair for him that had continued with his life (and for her). Then the starting-to-hang-out with his family started (what I said up there). I literally met more with his mom and sisters than I did with him some times. But seeing him kinda hurt, I just kept meeting them bc I didn’t wanna disappear from their life all of the sudden out of a whim with no explanation. I thought I was gonna get over it eventually.

He had almost 3 years (I think) of relationship with her and I didn’t met her (firstly bc she lives in another country), until a month ago. And that’s when I couldn’t handle it anymore, I liked him and I wasn’t gonna get over him seeing them together. So, even when I loved his mom and sisters very much and we had plans I decided to talk to him and tell him I liked him.

But also, his behavior towards me was weird and not so friend-like. Even his sister, not knowing he confessed to me, told me we acted like a couple. He was very attentive with me, like remembering my lactose intolerance so he would buy drinks lactose free for me to be able to try his. He drove me home, pleased me with things I wanted to do, we often bought dishes we wanted to try and share half and half, like we read our minds some times. He listened to me and considered/respected my pov, etc etc.

I told him I liked him and he said that I was gonna get over it. He told me to get all the time that I needed (like away from him) and that he’ll be waiting for me, he’ll be there. He also told me he was a man of one woman and I told him I wasn’t telling him that with ulterior motives.

Minutes after that I was talking to her sister on my way home (about other stuffs but ended up somehow about that) and she told me that she and her mom didn’t thought I was gonna confess to him anymore which meant that the entire family knew about me liking him the whole time, the whole 3 years.

I was heart broken, double time, and I felt so stupid and kinda humiliated (which is stupid bc like someone is not bad).

So, was I in the wrong for confessing to him after all? Did I see things where there weren’t? Should I come back after some time? *How can I fix this?*

TLDR: no confessed, I didn’t liked him, realized I did liked him, he disappeared for a year, he had a gf, his family loved me a lot, I couldn’t handle seeing him (and with her), I confessed, actually the entire family knew about my feelings, I left heartbroken.

  1. I mean.. yeah you probably shouldn’t go around telling people who are in a relationship that you like them.

    He was simply being nice to you, he knows you so why would he buy you different types of drinks if he knew you couldn’t have them?

    How to fix it? Time. A little break from the family might be a good idea. It’ll help you clear your head a little bit… But maybe after a few months you can consider dating someone else, kind of move on with your life.

  2. Tbh you missed your shot. My advice is to distance yourself because you can’t handle you emotions. It is what it is.

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