What do men think of 5’9 women?

  1. My girlfriend is 5’11. I’m 5’9. I think nothing of it. The content of someone’s character is all that matters.

  2. Wish there were more women of that height. I’m 5’11” and prefer to be with someone close to my height. I wouldn’t even care if they were taller than me tbh

  3. A little above average height….height never really mattered to me. Personality does

  4. My girl friend and I are both 5’9”. Her mom said she should look for someone taller than her but we’ve been together for three years and about to have our second child.

  5. They’re taller than many women, but shorter than many others.

    It wouldn’t matter either way, but that’s still several inches shorter than me, so if nothing else it means less bending to kiss.

  6. Height without body proportions means nothing to me. Honestly feel this is the usual case of women putting too much priority on a factor that is mostly irrelevant to men because they themselves are hyper critical of mens’ height.

  7. Sometimes I’m more interested in why people ask these questions, as opposed to reading the answers.

  8. Here’s the question you were trying to ask before your brain farted out a dook:

    “Am I too tall? “

  9. My wife is 5’10”. Who the hell cares? Height is only one of so very many features about a person. And right up there with hair color or whether she drinks Coke or Pepsi in importance to me.

  10. I’m 5’11” and I like it. 5’9″ is not too much. I would say is a good height. I don’t understand the question.

  11. Personally, I prefer women to be around the same height as me. I’m 5’11” so anywhere 5’8″ and up is good for me.

  12. I’m not into women but I think you should be confident! Tall women are beautiful. You will find somebody. If you find the right person, height does not matter!

  13. I’ve dated someone who was 5’11”, I’m just under 5’10”, she was smoking hot, I loved it. Unless she’s over 6 I *might* reconsider… probably not though.

  14. I’m 5’-7”. My wife is 5’-8”. Before I met her, I dated women who were taller, as well as some shorter. So, not an issue for me.

  15. Personally I’ve always wondered what it would be like to date/be with a tall lady. That said I’m 5’11(on tinder I’m 6ft) so I wouldn’t think much of it

  16. I like tall women, usually means they have longer legs, I like legs, short women can also be very attractive, height isn’t that important to me anyways

  17. Still short but taller than the average….my days with short women are done. 5’9 is actually my minimum height requirement.

  18. Would not give it a second thought. But I have few female friends who have told me in private they would not date a man shorter than themselves.

  19. Hot women are hot. It doesn’t matter how tall they are as long as they’re not way above six feet or way below five feet.

  20. My wife is 5’7 and I still think she’s kinda short so, idk. Not sure why height suddenly has become this huge deal.

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