I’m aware that titanium jewellery shouldn’t set it off but I have some cheaper jewellery in that can only be removed by a piercer which I can’t get removed before I’m due to go. I also have a cheap earring that needs surgically removing from my ear so there’s zero chance of taking that out lol.

If my jewellery was to set it off would they just have to pat me down and have me take of external clothing etc?

  1. It depends which airport you’re at but I’m almost 100% sure that if it did set it off, which it probably won’t, they’ll see it’s jewellery and let you go. Most airports do the body scan these days where they can see the exact area that sets the machine off. You won’t be asked to strip

  2. No, I have a nose piercing I can’t take out and I passed through fine. I forgot to take my watch off and they didn’t care either. The security in airports is simultaneously way over the top in some parts (yes I’m really going to make a bomb out of travel shampoo) and totally lacking in others.

  3. No it should be fine – I have my nose pierced, my eldest has his ears pierced and my youngest has multiple ear piercings and we all went through fine

  4. You’re fine. I have gone through gates with plenty of jewelry – rings, bracelet, necklace, 4+ piercings, and they’ve all been ignored.

  5. > I also have a cheap earring that needs surgically removing from my ear so there’s zero chance of taking that out lol.

    🤢 wtf

  6. I don’t believe so, as you can wear small jewellery, such as rings, etc., without issue.

    I often find they go off anyway for me, usually random parts – chest, a leg, a foot. Never any reason. A quick manual scan or pat-down and I’m on my way.

    If you’re going through Manchester Airport, expect it – in my experience, their security sucks and their scanners will go off if the wind direction changes.

  7. I have several piercings and have never been has tbe scanner go off or been pulled aisde.

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