So my situation is pretty unique so I need to explain it before I present the problem. First I will give my dads girlfriend a fake name her name will be Jenna. I (15m) moved in with my dad after my parents divorced. I have always lived a comfy life in the suburbs without having to do any work or hard labour. I live on my Jenna’s fathers land. Me and my dad have a camper that we (mostly i stay in) and Jenna and her daughter both live in another camper. These campers are very close and are perpendicular to each other. We have to share everything as mine and my dads camper doesn’t have a bathroom, shower, or really anything other than one sink. So I have to go over to Jenna’s camper just to piss. Anyways, her family is very very very redneck conservative. Working on the land nonstop is a regular occurrence. I do anything my dad or Jenna ask without resistance. Its not fun but it clears my mind so I don’t mind it. I have only been at this life style for a few months, 5 months tops. Anyways, Jenna’s daughter is very rough with her tongue and is very demanding. Even though she is younger than me I feel like I’m with an angry cop when I’m with her. Its hard because I’m a very quiet introverted person and i get nervous to just walk inside to use the bathroom or take a shower. She treats me like a drill instructor would treat a recruit. She gets mad at me for trivial things. Like forgetting to put something back. She just gets irrationally mad. Jenna on the other hand always has a sweet disposition but is SO condescending. Today for example I was done with dinner and I rinsed my plate off and put my plate in the sink. Then she says “we told you, you need to wash your plate and put it back (we don’t have a dishwasher) which she did tell us to wash every dish once we are done with it but she told us a day ago I just forgot it wasn’t just to spite her. Anyways i wash it without hesitation and put it in the cabinet. Then she barks at me in a snarky tone “you need to dry that dish now.” Yet again it was an accident and I forgot a simple “hey I think you forgot to dry your dish” would have been perfect. This trend continues as they are both so condescending and rude to me if I mess up even a little bit. And even if I ask a question they are still like that. I’m sick of being seen as lazy and incompetent even though I try my absolute best. Is there anything I can do to help my situation?

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