Today when I was waiting for my buss a car with two adults (looked like 20-25) drove by me as I was waiting, but they slowed down the car when they saw me and just started to laugh. Why would anyone do that?

Feel kinda insecure after that 🙁

  1. “Dont lose sleep over the opinion of sheep”

    You sont know them and they dont know you. Therefore it shouldnt matter.

    Theyre not there for you to ask them. And no one would know why they laughed…ignore it

  2. Those are people that feel better about themselves by making others feel insecure or acting like they’re better than them. ie: wow that’s so lame they have to wait for the bus when I have a car.

    Forget this moment, those people are not important to you and frankly, the opinions of people who laugh at others with no reason/shallow reasons should not be given a second thought.

    Don’t sweat it really- keep your head up! <3

  3. The fact is, that they are waaay more insecure than you. This is the behaviour of people with deep feelings of insecurity and inferiority. They feel so bad about them selves that they must try and make other people feel the same. (in order to get some justice). So when you experience a behaviour like that, you can begin to realize that its not you, its them. It would not have make a difference if it was another person or you. They would still have done the same behaviour. So… i would actually feel bad for them, because i know that they will probably get drugs to cope with their miserable existence and end up on meth. But you dont have to do that, you can laugh of how absurd the situation is, or respond in any way you like

  4. Chill they just laughed of you, because you are waiting for the bus and have no car.

    Nothing you should worry about and nothing personal.

  5. Perhaps they were saying “wow you look just like that sexy english teacher we used to have”.

    Or maybe it wasn’t even about you.

    You’re doing yourself a serious disservice by assuming it was directed negatively at you! Shrug it off, laugh at the bizarre people that would stop their car over a stranger.

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