So, I’m a 19 year old undergrad, and I’m an introvert.I only had one friend my whole life and now I’m talking to this girl online. We’re becoming good friends, but she doesn’t know that I’m fat. Now I’ll be meeting her soon, and I’m afraid she’ll unfriend me

  1. If you two are good friends, there’s no way she’ll care about your looks. She’d be a complete ass if she unfriended you just for that and she wouldn’t deserve you. I’m certain everything will be fine!

  2. Video call her or maybe exchange more photos (I dont mean nudes) with each other. You don’t necessarily have to lay all your cards down on the table and say you’re sending her photos to tell her you’re fat, but maybe send her a photo/ video and explain it’s of you on your holiday or you at a party or you’re showing her an outfit that you wore that you like and wanted her opinion on etc.

    Don’t hide it from her though, she might feel manipulated or catfished. I remember one time I was speaking to a guy online and all his photos either had him wearing a baseball cap or taken from the forehead downwards and I didn’t think anything of it. Met up with him and he was balding. I felt manipulated because he was deliberately hiding his balding head until he met me in real life where it was more awkward to back out of and you don’t want to come across like that to this girl, especially if you really like her.

    If you send her photos of yourself then that way you’re showing her you’re what you look like without the awkward ‘this is what I look like’ crap. That way you’re putting the ball in her court and letting her decide, and chances are she’ll like you regardless of your weight and actually appreciate you showing her what you look like and like you even more.

  3. You sound like you are catfishing her and only want to meet her in person so she doesn’t have an escape.

  4. 1 – Tell her before meeting her that you are fat.

    2 – There are plenty of women that are attracted to the “bear hug” of “bigger” men.

    3 – If you want to lose weight quickly, I recommend keto: a sure and very fast way to lose weight

    4 – Confidence is generally the biggest attraction factor for women.

  5. I will never understand humans who care about the weight , size and or appearance of others. The only things that should matter is kindness and respect……… if she doesn’t like you because you weigh more, please stay away from her. I hope she won’t though

  6. You should probably show her what you look like. One time I met up with a guy that was fatter than what I thought he looked like and I was honestly really disappointed.

  7. If she sees you as a friend, then it shouldn’t be much of a problem unless you are awkwardly obese and can hardly move.

    For your sake however, if you think you’re fat, concentrate your efforts on switching up what you eat and how much you eat, and introduce a little bit of exercise – it’s worth it, it will make you feel better, it will make you physically healthier and people will like you more too. You will lose most of your weight passively if you switch up how you eat, so losing weight is actually easy when you find a way to do it that works for you.

    Do your research online. Eat less sugar and you will feel less hungry – I switched from sweetened tea to water as my main drink and decided to not overeat and indulge in snacks and it quickly became hard for me to stop losing weight because I just wasn’t hungry, sitting in front of my computer all day, ironically I needed to start exercising hard to start eating and gaining weight back. I kept losing around 1kg per month just sitting in front of my computer, yes.

    I understand that you might not have wanted to hear advice like this, but here you go nonetheless. It is a life changing thing I feel.

  8. Drop this girl and talk to girls in real life. Or keep this girl but also talk to other girls irl.

    And i don’t think she’ll mind. If you two are friends, just hang out and take it from there

  9. Simply it really shouldn’t matter, especially in a friendship. Romantic relationship is a whole different thing

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