We’ve all met people who are pains in the ass. Many people I know are pieces of shit that think having a basic level of decency is a choice and treat others as if they’re inferior. Some people I can’t avoid, are sarcastic with me and some people I used to be friends with recently backstabbed me.

I sometimes just ignore them, but when they do something serious I always talk/fight back. Concerning my former friends, for example, I found out that they had lied to me about something very serious. This wasn’t the first time they had lied to me and we had already discussed their behavior many times. I was done playing nice, so I found them and chewed them out so much that one of them was almost in tears. I later discussed it with other people, all of whom told me that I was completely in the right and that they had it coming, but thinking back to how badly I was shouting at them, I felt like a monster.

I’m not someone that likes to hurt other people’s feelings and in general, I think it’s a really shitty thing to do it intentionally. Watching them look at me with fear felt satisfying at the time, but I later thought that I acted exactly just like the people I criticize, even if what they did hurt me worse.

I know the “turn the other chick” method doesn’t really work in this world, but I’m lost. It’s the “dangerous” people that survive, but I’m afraid I’ll end up hating myself.

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