So, I matched with someone like 2-3 weeks ago and it was fantastic, we have a similar sense of humor and we mostly like the same music and tv shows. After a few days of talking, I asked her if she was free the next Saturday and she say yes. Flashforward to the Friday before the day we were supposed to go out, she told me that her dad tested positive in Covid and she wouldn’t be able to make it on Saturday and asked me if can reschedule for next week and I said Ok.

Then on Wednesday she told me she was feeling really week and sick, and afterwards told me she also tested covid positive so we rescheduled the date one more time for this weekend.

However, I just realized that I have a weeding this weekend in another city (I thought it was the next week), I still haven’t told her, but that’s going to mean rescheduling our date again :/

Do you think things can still work or it’s been too long?

  1. Would it be possible to schedule something during the week? If she’s been dealing with Covid, that’s a legitimate reason to postpone things. If you offer to reschedule an earlier date, it at least shows you’re still interested in meeting.

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