Men of Reddit, do you have a skincare routine? Why did you decide to start one?

  1. Grandpa had skin cancer throughout his later years and as someone almost as white as him I’m pretty religious about putting sunscreen on once or twice a day, once an hour if I’m doing something “extreme” like mountain climbing. God I do NOT want damaged skin or get skin cancer, fuck that (that second part especially).

    Also turned 30 and I’m starting to get this nagging feeling that I’m old, let my gf know about this insecurity, now we do facials together!

  2. I actually just found out my routine is pretty rigorous, but I lotion, care for blemishes if necessary. Sometimes if I notice some blackheads, I’ll wear a cucumber/honey face mask. I also think it’s important to keep facial hair properly cared for. And when my hands get dry, cracked or calloused from working, I use a remover and then wear the Burt’s Bees lotion gloves

  3. Maybe once every week if i remember i rub on lotion head to toe. Because Bill Burr made me realize i was “ashy” as fuck.

  4. I’ve always had bad skin and I’m worried about looking old.

    I cleanse, moisturize and do sunscreen in the mornings

    At night, I cleanse, and do either 1) a thin layer of coconut oil, 2) Dermaroller and moisturizer or 3) retinol

    Ngl though, the more I keep this routine and the more I research, the more I’m beginning to think that this ENTIRE industry is a scam / money suck. The increased awareness around mens skinscare is starting to feel like a TAM-opening exercise and gives “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” vibes

  5. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water activated gel cleanser. Then a honey almond body scrub. And on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then apply a herb mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

  6. Exfoliate and moisturize every morning. I started because I realized I don’t look nearly as old as my other friends in their late 30s and would like to keep looking younger for as long as possible. And my partner who is only two years younger than me looks like she’s in her early 20s so it helps keep down the creepy looks of why are you dating someone so young if I don’t look my age as well lol.

  7. 36. Wash my face with water in shower. Use lotion with SPF 15 in it daily. Use a retinol cream every other night. Been doing that for about 6 years and definitely only look 35 1/2.

  8. I’ve moisturisered pretty much every day since I was 15 and I’m now nearly 40 totally worth doing

  9. I use a Post Shave lotion every time I shave, without fail and I think I look younger than I am. I’ve been meaning to start doing a body lotion but I’m looking for one that’s light, and not greasy.

    If anyone is knowledgeable about this stuff, I have questions:

    If I use a Retinol skin lotion/cream, do I need to do that consistently or can I do it in cycles?

    When is the right time to use lotion? I was gonna do it after the shower

    Should I use special foot lotion?

  10. Basic cleanser and lotion. Maybe throw some aloe on there for blemishes. My skin looks like ass from years of a brutal war against acne, so I’m trying to repair the damage and give myself better odds in the dating world

  11. Yes, you should have one. I started at like 15 thinking I will get a ROI when I’m in my 30s-40s. At a minimum, you need to wear facial sunscreen everyday that the UV index is over 5, exfoliate weekly, and mosturise daily. Bonus points for eye cream.

  12. Yes. Started during my teen years to reduce acne and I also had severe sun burn which caused my skin to become weak and dry.

  13. I have oily and acne prone skin. I use an adapalene cream in the evening, and azelaic acid in the morning. This helps with acne, and also adapalene is a retinoid so hopefully it will help minimize the skin damage that comes with age. Also, I use SPF unless I spend the whole day inside.

    I’ve also started using the aknicare cream since it’s supposed to greatly reduce skin oiliness. Not sure yet if it works for me.

  14. My skincare routine is showering.

    Jokes aside.. besides for under eyes for those with allergies unless you’re a model I’ve never seen the point in skin care.

  15. Big skincare believer here so I’ll give my spiel:

    You should think of skincare less about beauty and more about hygiene. Think of it like brushing your teeth.

    Here’s the basics:

    1. Wear sunscreen. Every day you’re in the sunlight at all. This is 80% of good skincare.
    2. Moisturize every day, once when you wake up, once before bed.
    3. Clean your face with a cleanser made for your face. Normal soaps are too astringent. Facial cleansers leave your skin less dry. If you only clean your face once a day, let it be before you go to bed.
    4. Exfoliate 2-3x a week. Use a chemical exfoliant like 2% BHA. Never exfoliate with something that uses beads or any other scrapey material.

    These are the basics. Hygiene and “beauty” can have blurred lines between the two. Like anything, you can take this further if you get personal enjoyment out of it. But I consider the above to be the basic steps every person with a face should be doing.

  16. Some dude once said “remove dead skin, hydrate living skin, done, works good enough”. That was so simple and from a price perspective acceptable to me that I started doing it. And what can I say – works good enough, just as promised.

  17. I have one but I only do it if I feel like it and it started after I decided to try and fix my depression

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