What are your opinions of the type of people who have so called “work wives” or “work hubbies”?

  1. I think is nice that people can make such good friends with their workmates, that they can have a work husband/wife. I’ve never had any sort of connection with any of my workmates. Tbh, I’m kinda jealous of them.

  2. I think it is funny and cute. I don’t especially like the term but I do think people see each other every damn day and if they form a friendship and feel supported that is great. As long as they have boundaries, I’m cool with it. My husband always has one wherever he works, usually it is like someone 20 years his senior 😂 He is super friendly and kind and I think people just like being around him.

  3. Eh I’m their to work , not see a fake fantasy work marriage . People like that are childish asf , if you like them then go ask them out , but stop the fake bullshitery lmaooo

  4. Nice to be good friends with people. Unnecessary and inappropriate to put such a label like that on

  5. Work hubbies and work wives sounds to intimate for my comfort. I mean you do you and all that but it’s weird.

  6. I’m a straight female, my work husband is a gay male.
    We started the job together and worked closely together so that’s how it came about.
    I’ve met his fiancé, we all regularly go for dinners and just have a good old time and joke about us having to divorce the day before they’re due to get married.
    It’s all lighthearted and fun so each to their own!
    Some people prefer to keep work as work, some people choose not to – it’s all personal preference.

  7. I find it slightly inappropriate sometimes since some people do take it too far. My partner is technically my work hubby is we still work together once a week but if I found out he had a work wife, I’d be put off because I don’t do that at my full time job either. I’m friendly but professionally and don’t take those friendships home (apart from my work bff now)

  8. I was sexually assaulted by someone who started as a “work husband” so that’s my personal experience… For others I think it could easily fall into emotional cheating if either party is in a relationship. Tons of posts in the relationship advice sub relating to this.

  9. I think it’s childish and creepy as fuck.

    It’s great to have friends at work but why do you need to add a label other than “friend”?

    “Work spouse” _sounds_ more grown-up than “BFF” but it’s still a middle-school approach to personal relationships.

  10. I’m an adult, and I have work buddies. If I spent most of my time with a male colleague, I would still see them as my work buddy.

    Why would I call them by work husband? That would be weird.

    What irks me about it is the assumption that if you have a decent professional relationship with a man it must mean there’s something romantic or emotional going on. What do men call their close male colleagues? If it’s not “my (gay) work husband” too, then why are women doing this to themselves.

  11. Yuck. It’s a form of emotional cheating imo

    You can be friends with someone without calling them your husband/wife. I feel like people I’ve seen do this tend to be flirty with each other too. Not in every situation of course. But regardless, it’s not appropriate for the workplace. We’re here to work, that’s it. Keep it professional.

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