What’s the stupidest decision you’ve ever made looking back in hindsight?

  1. Any number of the countless times that I put my dick in crazy? Any of the relationships have gotten into where I get cheated on?

    Probably the period of my life where I didn’t care if I lived or died and I was drinking and doing so much drugs that I would black out.

  2. I got two,

    1) breaking up with my second ex. Looking back she could of very well been the one but I broke up because I thought college would consume me after it becomes a long distance. I was too stupid to realize that I caused the break up when I could of made it work. Hope she is well because man she has a heart of gold.

    2) letting depression and suicidal thoughts consume me in college. Dad died. Shit really hit the fan and I couldn’t keep myself together to graduate on time.

  3. Getting married to my ex-wife. Red flags were all around and I convinced myself there were green. 100% my bad for getting married to a bad person.

  4. Not buying my dream home in 2015 because I thought 250k was “too expensive” and instead settling for a small place in a town I don’t like.

  5. It’s hard to say because I’ve already accepted it and was legitimately depressed for good reason, but I guess I would’ve taken school more seriously. If I did I’m confident I could’ve gotten a full ride to an Ivy League school and then be making like $250,000 or some shit.

    But it’s not realistic. I was in various group homes and had no adults in my life that even gave a shit. Most of the people that I knew in those same situations didn’t even graduate high school. And I just graduated from college with zero help.

    But I try not to really think about it. It just makes me resentful for the things I had to go through as a child. It could’ve been so much worse though I guess. I was really close so many times to dying, or being arrested for something heavy. I’m pretty lucky all things considered. Like for example I lived with an adult coke dealer when I was 14 for an entire semester lol I’ve been thru some fucking crazy shit. I’ve done some crazy shit too. I’m so lucky that fortune favored me so much in some of shit I did.

  6. Not asking that girl in 6th grade

    now, about 8 years later, she walked into our shop and after some smalltalk she told me that she really liked me back then.

    *Queue Emotional Damage and Sad Violin*

  7. Being a dumb teenager right of high school, who might have accidentally induced a life altering UC flare-up…idk, honestly my memories of that time are kinda fuzzy, but I was happy and in remission, and in aggressively good shape, second semester of college, etc..hospitalized, insane pain, lost all of it. Never recovered completely

  8. In 2004 I dropped my CS major and got a business degree instead

    I wish I’d have double majored in CS and Econ, then went into a Stats MS. Oh well. My career worked out, but it took longer than it would have otherwise

  9. Having two girlfriends at the same time, still not over what a fucking asshole move that was.

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