Has anyone else had a problem with there significant other liking/ wowing/ hearting other women posts on Facebook? My boyfriend kept wowing half naked girls posts and now I saw he was commenting gorgeous on this girls photo and he’s been hearting and liking them all. I’ve told him it bothers me before and he keeps doing it. Is that suspicious to anyone else? Has anyone else had this problem?

  1. For me personally the liking and reactions would be a huge disrespect, some people don’t care and don’t see anything wrong with it. But the commenting is unarguably not okay and suspicious.

  2. It’s a red flag. I noticed that mine was liking girls posts in Instagram and commenting on them, for me to find few months after that he was sexting with them.

  3. I’m going to be honest: Most women are dealing with this in today’s age. I don’t care what anyone says it absolutely IS a form of cheating. Women tolerate it or simply sit with the pain to have someone quite often. My thoughts are I don’t care if every guy on earth does it, I will never put up with that. Of course not every guy does but it’s so common today. It’s a non negotiable and it’s the first thing I check before any potential date or relationship. If that stuff is there, single or not it tells me that’s what you do in your free time. It’s thousands (yes really) of those accounts with half dressed or almost naked women I see men following. It’s lust, selfishness, objectifying women, and can lead to physical cheating and warping your brain. It’s an immediate goodbye if we are dating and I discovered that stuff. If that’s what they wish to do, let them. Forcing, babysitting, monitoring grown adults is hard work and utter misery.

  4. Liking posts is one thing but the “Gorgeous” comment is disrespectful and should make you suspicious.

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