Men do you have a female or a male barber cut your hair, why?

  1. Whoever is up first at great clips or sports clips. My style isn’t that difficult so nothing special

  2. I have fairly short hair and both male and female barbers will cut my hair.

    It comes down to which barber has a free chair for me to sit in when I arrive at the barbershop, since I am not bothered enough to wait for a particular person to cut my hair.

  3. Currently female, the barber before that was male. I picked them because they provided a high quality haircut after shopping around in the areas.

    My current barber doesn’t do as well with my beard as the previous, and their prices keep going up, but she’s really cute so I’m convinced to stay.

  4. The barbershop I go to has four barbers: two men, two women. One of the men is new so I haven’t been to him but when I ring to book and they ask who I want I tell them I am happy with anyone.

  5. Don’t care. I’m. Pretty easy and my haircut equally so. Even a trained chimp could give me a decent grade 2 all over. And that chimp would be just as entitled to my money as well

  6. Well female ofc. I am 34 and never even saw male barber. You literally have to search for one and they are only in bigger cities. Hairdresser/barber is very female dominant job in my country.

    Ofc for last 20 years I am using mostly machine and always ask someone to do it(mother or sister).

  7. I don’t care.

    I go to a fancy barber shop. I’ve had both. There are more women, so more often than not it’s a woman cutting my hair. My preferred barber was a woman, but after she left I’ve just been taking whoever is available. Last time I went in, it was a guy. He did great. The previous several times it was women, they also did great.

  8. I’ve cut my own hair exclusively for at least two years. 99% of time a male has cut my hair, at least as an adult. I have short hair so I just assume men can do it better.

    The best experience I had was from a young female barber, when cutting my hair she would occasionally sit on my lap in a popular barber shop when I was 15. No kidding. Never saw again after that, cutting hair probably wasn’t her thing.

  9. Either or.

    Some women do a better job than men, some men do a better job. This is a skill that is not gender dependent AND it’s subjective to boot.

    I will say I have stopped going to male barbers that were overbearing, too loud, rude to others or obnoxious. I have stopped going to female barbers that became overly touchy feely or flirty.

    I want a good haircut, not to go out for drinks or cheat on my wife, and if I wanted to hear obnoxious trash talk I’m sure there’s a podcast for that.

  10. Black guy here (hair). I’ve only ever had one female barber and that was under unusual circumstances. Not gonna lie, I was hesitant at first, but turns out she was really skilled. It’s extremely rare to find a black female barber fyi. Her family owned the shop and she grew up learning how to cut men’s hair. Bonus, she was off the chart gorgeous and physically my type. Always looked forward to her cutting my hair 😂. It was pretty obvious to everyone in that shop. I was low key bummed when I moved

  11. I used to have a male barber. Recently I found a female that literally cuts my hair pretty good.

  12. A Barber would be a male, and The Don takes care of the ol’buzzcut and my beard shaping, an artist with the straight blade and cutting a fade (for the youngsters). A lady stylist if you need a hair dresser.

  13. I consider moving to a arab barber but tbf they are too expensive so I am stuck with the people who studied with no passion.

  14. When I go to the barber I go to one of the chain hair salon businesses Great Clips by name and I get it cut by whoever is working that day, I do that about once a year around Thanksgiving. Otherwise I just cut it myself.

  15. Female. I have long hair and only go 2-3 times per year so I just go wherever my wife goes which has always been a woman.

  16. I’m not really picky but prefer male barber. women tend to want to put some kind of stylist flair in the cut.

  17. Either.

    Why should I care what sex my barber is as long as they know what they’re doing?

  18. My mom was a hair stylist so she’s always been the one who’s cut my hair. 26 and never have paid for a haircut. Luckily I live an hour away from her so I visit and get a hair cut ever 2 months or so

  19. When I used to have my hair cut I would go to a male barber. Now that my hair is long, I would probably go to a hair stylist of any gender.

  20. I prefer a woman do it, had the same girl do my hair for years before she left the industry all together. However, I have had both good and bad cuts from a man, so I just prefer to stick with women since I have longer hair and they seem to do a better job

  21. I only use females. My haircut comes with a head, neck, arm massage. I don’t want a guy doing that.

  22. Female.

    Basically my mom went to this hair salon before I was born, they cut men and women’s hair, this one woman cut my hair as a baby… Then as a toddler… Then as a kid… Then as a man.

    The only other person to cut my hair is one other guy from the salon for an emergency cut twice.

    Other than that I am loyal to her, she started her own salon thing again and always squeezes me in last minute, her prices are fair.

    My only issue is I am in need of a haircut… But she just broke her leg so she is taking off for a few months so I think I am just gonna let it grow.

  23. Whoever is working when I go in.

    I put my name on the list, wait 5-10 minutes and whoever calls me up cuts it.

  24. Female.

    Most stylists I have seen have been female. Occasionally see a dude, but not too often. Seems to be a female dominated profession, at least where I am.

    I usually have a favorite who does it just so. I am told I am not as picky as some, but I am somewhat picky. One might say I am brand loyal. I also tip well.

    Pretty much have had my hair cut by women since middle school. When I was very young, there was a barber in town. He knew high and tight, buzz cut, and flat top. That was his entire knowledge. He retired.

    Haven’t thought about it. I don’t seek women, or reject a male. Just had happened that way.

  25. Both. My barber has both male and female employees, and depending on who got time to cut, they cut my hair. Nothing special or weird about it.

  26. Male. The best haircuts I’ve gotten have only ever come from old Italian guys above the age of 60.

  27. My wife gets mad at me when I say this for some reason, but I have never EVER gotten a good haircut from a woman.

  28. Female. I get a buzz cut that anyone can do, but if I see a good looking gal, especially one with huge watermelons 🍉 I’m going in for a buzz

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