I need some advice or just some reassurance after this guy blocked me. I’m a 42 years old woman, living in Barcelona and met this guy (40) from the US. I knew from the beginning it wasn’t to be anything serious, but we matched in Bumble and had two amazing dates. On the last date, I just said goodbye without any intentions, but then I received a message on WhatsApp from him saying he enjoyed connecting with me and how nice it was. Then I replied but the message wasn’t delivered. He also unmatched me in Bumble and I really feel bad, because I feel I got rejected. I feel I did nothing wrong, but I feel really bad. Any comment or advice?

  1. If it wasn’t anything serious, is it possible it was just a fling while he was away from home?

  2. He probably went back to the US and the whatsapp message was a thank you and goodbye message from him. Him unmatching and blocking you doesn’t have to be him hating you or anything, it could be him ending things definitively in his head and making sure he doesn’t have to go through the pain of thinking about reaching out to you again (or having you reach out to him when he can’t be with you).

  3. Easier said than done but don’t internalise it OP. My guess is he meant what he sent to you on WhatsApp and just wanted to send that compliment before closing the door.
    We all have to compartmentalise these things differently. This is his way…

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