Tl,Dr: I drove a woman and her friends home after a night at a club and am wondering if it’s creepy or romantic to show up a few days later asking for a date

Longer story made shorter, I met an amazing woman at a local club over the weekend (S). We were all over each other while we were there as well as for a brief time after the club closed, but not further than that.

I knew S was inebriated but seemed perfectly in control; not so far gone that she couldn’t have made her own decisions. She was part of a small group of girls that were all there together, including her sister, all of which continued to encourage her to enjoy herself and continue dancing with me. She asked me if I was single, told me that she has been for over 2 years and that she was very into me (details to remember for later)

I offered to drive her and her friends home due to them not having a ride and at that point hadn’t called an Uber yet. They accept, we all had a great time singing along to random songs and everyone was in a good mood. Since leaving the club, S acted extremely touchy and borderline loving towards me, all which I realize could have just been the liquor.

We get back to their place, she invites me in and everyone seems ready to chill out. S goes to the bathroom and that’s the last I saw of her. A few minutes later her two friends come around the corner and state that they’re leaving and suggest I do the same because S was drunk. I wasn’t going to put up a fight despite my extreme disappointment, but greatly appreciate her friends looking out for her safety.

It’s after 3 AM at this point, and I get a text from her (we exchanged info as we were leaving the club), basically saying that she wants to see me again and asks me to breakfast the following morning. I of course accepted, and head home too giddy to sleep.

Come morning, I send a good morning text and ask her to let me know when I can head over to take her to breakfast. Hours pass. I send a “Just want to make sure you’re okay, happy to bring anything” after noon. More silence.

Which brings me to my question; is is too far to show up at her place and ask if she’d be interested in going on a real date, NSA and seeing if we actually connect? I don’t want to be creepy but I do think we had more of a connection than a fling at the club.

Happy to provide more details or clarification, and any advice is much appreciated.

  1. This is very creepy. She was drunk, probably barely remembers you. She didn’t respond back to your text, clearly indicating that she’s not interested in you and you want to show up at her house?? Why??? Because you’re desperate to date?

    She’s a random drunk girl you met and it’s creepy you’re not just forgetting about her and instead want to show up at her house. I feel bad for her.

  2. Do not randomly show up. You have to wait now. If she responds she responds, if not move on.

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