Been dating for around 3 months. Our relationship started out strong and moved quickly, probably too quickly. From the first time we met it was on. We went into a committed monogamous relationship within about 1-2 weeks, he initiated this step. We went from spending every weekend together, to progressively even more time. I have a teenager daughter and told him that I’ve only introduced her to a couple of boyfriends. because I felt our Relationship was serious and I could see a future with him. I introduced him to my daughter (admittedly this is was probably too soon). He got along with my daughter famously and vice Vera and everything was going great. My job would often take me away long distances for weeks at a time, so I took a job closer to home to limit my travel time so we could see each other more often/regularly . We went from calling/FaceTiming all the time to hardly even talking and never FaceTiming despite my attempts although we still text on the regular.

The last 3 weeks despite me working a local job where I can commute back and forth from work to home more easily; I’m at home 4-5 days a week ( we live only 45 mins away from each other) he has said that due to his “work” schedule aka “trapping” and him trying to make money for his many financial obligations that he doesn’t have the time to see me although he wants to. He doesn’t answer my calls and when he does he has to call me back later when It seems to suit him usually 30 mins or so. Making me thinking that when I call he’s around someone he can’t answer my call in front of. He use to always answer my voice call and FaceTime calls when he was with his “boys”. I’m wondering if he’s found someone else and is “love bombing” them like he did me in the beginning of our relationship. I asked if maybe we has moved Too fast and if we should take a step back and see other people, which he immediately turned down saying he didn’t want that. He insist there is no one else, nor does he have any interest in seeing anyone else and he still loves me etc. To top it off last week was my birthday and after. It seeing him for around 2.5 weeks despite me Expressing desire to see him, he randomly showed up at my house at midnight on my birthday to see me knowing I had to leave at 3 am the morning to catch a flight for work. When I told him I didn’t know for certain when I be back he started crying, saying he missed me etc. I feel like he’s in the honeymoon stage with someone else, wants to see what happens with that, while keeping me in his back pocket.

I know you’re probably gonna say my assumptions are right, and that I was crazy for moving so fast with him and introducing him to my teenage daughter, but I just need to hear it from non-biased third parties, or if you think his excuses are legitimate. What ever your opinion please don’t be too harsh.

1 comment
  1. I think its a bit far to assume he is cheating just because there has been a change in his work demands. Calling someone back after about 30mins isnt much of a delay and if he was with someone else he likely just wouldnt call back?

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