1. Introduce yourself (real name + a favorite nickname your partner has given you)

 2. Walk me through the time you first met (When, Where, How)

 3. What was your first impression of your partner

 4. Describe your first date

 5. Who made the first move? What happened and how did you feel in that moment?

 6. Who said “I love you first”?

 7. Describe your partner in One Word (Elaborate why in 1-2 sentences)

 8. What’s something that attracted you to your partner?

 9. What’s your favorite physical attribute of your partner?

 10. What do you think their favorite physical attribute of you is?

 11. How does your partner make you laugh?

 12. What’s a favorite thing you love to do together?

 13. What’s something you Admire them for?

 14. Share a memory with me that you have of them that you’ll treasure forever

 15. What was the moment that made you think or say “They’re the one” in regards to marriage?

 16. Walk me through and tell me your proposal story

 17. Speak directly to them as if they were here right now.. In one or two sentences.. Say their name and something you would want them to know.

Finish the sentence:

•I can’t wait for…

•When I think of him/ her …

  1. How can we possibly respond to any of these questions? This is stuff that you have to answer so I’m really confused about what you are needing here.

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