So this is my current situation in which I’m very confused on and if anyone could share some insight that would be great as I’ve never experienced this before. Went on a date with a pretty sweet lady this past sat. She’s my friends gf friend anyway I casually message her stating my intent on wanting to shoot my shot with her and the conversation flows well we relate on so many things from her hobbies to likes eventually it gets flirtatious and we end up going on a date where the conversation flows. We relate on so many things from ADHD to likes and dislikes, anime, etc, the conversation flows naturally with her and i. Alright so we’re talking the vibes are great we end up kissing and holding hand each other’s hands while kissing before she left. she wants a 2nd date announcing near the end of the first. Conversation flows naturally, were texting each other each day after leading to the 2nd date. Banter is great on the 2nd date enjoying it near the end I go in to hold her hands but she pulls back and says that since breaking up with her bf 2 years ago she’s unsure if she bi, she mentioned that on the first date and we were both relating to it on it because how our ex’s cheated on us also but didn’t mention she was bi part. Funny thing is after light banter as we really get along well after the fact she mentions she’s bi as she’s walking me to my car going to part ways I look her in the eyes and she says “so you really want to kiss me” I said yeah and we kissed for pretty long about 5 seconds. I told her where I stood when we were sitting at between us. So guys not sure what happened was I test for her sexuality and/or casually friend zoned? Do I shoot her a text and let her know my intentions in writing ?

  1. Sounds like she’s trying to figure stuff out for herself. Which sucks kinda. Honestly, pull back from the heavy texting and try to get a get together with people you both know. Maybe a small pool party or get food or a BBQ. Either way, make it to where she’s invited but don’t make the whole thing about her. You’re just passing a vibe check. When things kinda wind down just see how she is. Maybe she likes you and didn’t want to jump headfirst into something. So be cool about it. Let her figure her shit out.

  2. Be cool. Let things roll out by itself. And about guys just don’t texting over and over that’s just annoying. So just be patient. Sometimes I am busy I might text back in a week or two. Adults have things and problems they have to deal with in a daily basis. All you have to do is ask how she is doing like once in awhile(2-5) days and repeat once or twice before you drop. If she replies then you can continue to ask her about what she’s doing and any plans Ect. If not then don’t bother maybe she isn’t ready for a relationship or something. By then just move on.

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