If you had £50,000 in your account doing nothing and wanted it to grow, how would you invest it?

  1. 20k S&S ISA in a global index fund, repeat again in April, put the rest in the next April and forget about it for a few years

  2. Property. Even with the predicted slow down, the housing market is so screwed, especially in London and the south east, that property is still likely to offer a better return on investment than most other options. Plus you can either live in it or rent it out. Though I’d never want to be a landlord so I probably wouldn’t do that.

  3. Personally (if I had allowance left) I’d put into my vanguard S&S ISA in FTSE global all cap.

  4. I would put £20,000 into a stocks and shares ISA in a global equities tracker fund like Vanguard’s FTSE Global All Cap

    I would put £20,000 in a general investment account in the same fund

    I would put £2,000 into meme stocks / crypto / something else risky (more of a gamble with a v slim chance of a big payout)

    I would keep the remaining £8000 as an emergency fund kept in a high interest instant access cash savings account


    (I would also consider paying a large part of it into a private pension, also in the same fund as the above)

  5. If I had £50k, I’d be buying a house. Nothing can match the security that would give me and my daughter.

  6. wait until early-mid 2023 and buy eth. Sell it in big chunks end of 2025 through to mid 2026.

  7. I’d be putting 4k into a S&S LISA, 16k into a S&S ISA. I would put 5k into premium bonds. I would then do the next 20k next year into the LISA & ISA. The remaining 5k I would put into angel investment.

    As for the breakdown of what to invest in, that would depend on how old you, what stage of life you are in, etc as you wouldn’t want a lot of risk if you are 65, whereas a 20 year old can be

  8. Dump the lot into pension using this year’s allowance and carry over from previous years.

  9. 2 nicely selected E46 M3s, and a place to store and maintain them.
    Or maybe some other car that is bound to rise in value, plenty out there. My an RX7 or a supra. GTRs are already put this price range unfortunately.

  10. Depends on your appetite for risk. If you are looking for low risk, premium bonds is the best option as you can access money within a few days and you will win prizes virtually every month. The downside is that it wont beat inflation unless you get lucky and win one of the big prizes. Stock market fund tracker for medium risk where you want to tie the money up for 3-5 years is a good option. Markets will be extremely volatile over the next 12 months (or at least until Russia sees sense) so it would be imperative not to pull money out when it dips. High risk, stick it all in crypto and cross your fingers as you could make 100% within a year or lose 80%.

  11. Wait for the property market to crash which it inevitably will. Then start investing into commercial property.

  12. Invest in the guys digging up and distributing copper.

    Renewables and electric cars are using a fuck ton of it, investing 10 years ago would’ve been better but now is still a solid time to get in.

    It will never be replaced and the market is being forced to grow

  13. For those who meet OPs criteria, I have some magic beans that are worth investing in. I also know of a bridge for sale if you don’t like bean investments.

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