How do you physically greet someone that you’re meeting for the first time? Hug, handshake, or only smile?

  1. Depends on the context.

    At work? Handshake.

    At a party? Nod or smile.

    No fuckin reason to be hugging anyone I don’t know.

  2. It depends on the situation. If I’m meeting them professionally, probably a handshake. If I’m meeting them casually for the first time and we don’t really know each other, a smile. If we’re meeting IRL for the first time but have chatted online or something like that for a long time, maybe a hug or just a smile and a wave.

  3. I wave unless it’s more appropriate to shake hands, like in a professional environment. But I’ve had people extend their hand in casual greeting so I just reciprocate.

  4. However you want, as long as it involves less physical contact than the other person offers (or is the same of course). Don’t hug someone who reaches their hand out for a handshake.

  5. Strangers get smiles at best. At this point in the pandemic I still don’t want to shake hands.

  6. Super depends, I know y’all in the comments are saying it’s weird but I’m from a VERY physically affectionate culture. So, meeting any of my friends or boyfriends family, a hug and kiss on the cheek is appropriate and kind of expected. At work, obviously handshake. Meeting a friends friend for the first time, probably a smile and a “sup’ dude?”

  7. I’m not a big fan of physically touching people or them touching me to be honest, especially a stranger. I prefer a smile and nod.

  8. Usually a smile or a small nod but if they go for a handshake first than I will give a handshake back.

  9. Work: handshake

    Meeting a man: handshake

    Meeting a man on a first date: hug

    Meeting a beautiful wonderful amazing girlie: big hug

  10. Is it another girl and a friend of a friend? I’ll hug

    Is it a guy who is a friend of a friend? I’ll hug

    Is it some random guy no one knows? I’ll wave

    If the person is known by someone in my friend group I’ll hug em, I’m a hugger!

  11. If I’m back home or around people from my culture then I’ll hug them at first meeting. If I’m in the mainland then a smile and a handshake.

  12. I get a lot of jokes for it, but I shake everyone’s hand and make eye contact when I meet them regardless of the setting. When it’s my peers introducing me to someone (like a mutual friend at a party) that is when I get jokes. They are like wow you’re so formal. I’m not, I’m just polite and think it’s odd to introduce myself without shaking someone’s hand just because it comes so natural to me to do so with how I was raised. I would find it impolite to just smile at someone and say my name. I am 9/10 times the first person to go in for a handshake because maybe it’s just my personality but I’m quick to introduce myself if I am not being introduced by another person. Give me a few times and a couple drinks and I’ll give you a hug as a greeting, regardless of your gender. I wouldn’t hug someone I had never met in person unless I had spoken with them for a while, but even then I still think I’d offer a handshake. Perhaps a hug after we hung out and were parting ways. If appropriate…so depends on the individual and the nature of our relationship/meeting. If it was work, I’d do a second handshake. Like a “it was a pleasure meeting you.” *handshake*

    I am from United States if that matters. I’ve met several people for the first time that prefer a hug. A “don’t be so formal, bring it in!” I’m not always comfortable with it, but I would never say no unless I didn’t feel safe. If I had rapport with someone, like we had spoken before but not in person, I’d be less uncomfortable with a hug and more prone to say absolutely. Total stranger is a bit different.

  13. If I’m meeting them in a professional setting, I’ll put my hand out for a handshake. If it’s just friendly, I’ll smile.

  14. Smile. I can be greeting a friend I’ve known for years and its still just a smile. I can’t stand hugging

  15. I think it depends on the context and your culture. I’m American so I make eye contact and shake hands for work. I’ll wave and smile if I’m meeting someone for the first time socially. I rarely hug someone I just met, but it’s happened on occasion. When I met my sister in law for the first time I smiled and also gave her a hug. This is my comfort level.

    However, I’ve been kissed on the cheek upon greeting by colleagues from Europe who are very air kiss by your cheek muwha muwha types from France/Switzerland. And I’m not offended because it’s a cultural norm/common thing over there.

    I’ve also done the head bow and NOT make eye contact with clients from Korea because that is how you show deference over there, especially being the Junior person on a team. I think it depends a lot on context and your audience.

  16. I follow their lead. I smile and act friendly, and shake their hand if they offer it. I don’t think I’ve ever hugged anyone when I first met them.

  17. i would probably be anxious about it and ask them how they’d feel about greeting me and how they’d like it

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