What are your first thoughts/reactions when you see a man by himself in the women’s makeup section?

  1. Nothing. It doesn’t even register to me. If he’s in front of the makeup I need, I hope he finishes up and moves on soon. Beyond that, I just don’t care at all.

  2. Literally nothing, I wouldn’t even notice it’s that much of a non event to me.

  3. I’d wonder what *I’m* doing in the makeup section first of all. And probably not notice that guy. I don’t think makeup sections have genders.

  4. I’ve never thought of that area as the WOMEN’s makeup section of a store, it’s just the makeup section, available to anyone who cares to wear it.

  5. Nothing unless he’s in front of the stuff that I want to grab real quick. Then I excuse myself so that I can grab it.

  6. Wouldn’t even register as something to think about, although I would be wondering how I got to the women’s makeup section since I don’t wear/own makeup.

  7. Why would I think about him at all. I’m going about my business, and give less than a damn about some random dude.

  8. “Hey, there’s a person shopping”, followed quickly by, “No, I don’t need more chips…”

  9. I would notice, maybe try to figure out if he’s buying it for himself or someone else, and that’s about it.

  10. It wouldn’t be unusual enough for me to bother noticing, let alone thinking anything in particular about it, assuming he wasn’t behaving weirdly about it in some way. Don’t block the aisle, and I won’t care.

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