Hi, moved to bay area few years before. Settled down and have a full time job, house and a car.

Not able to crack the dating game as it used to be several years ago.

Not looking for scamming / scammers. Pretty straight forward. Height 6’3. Weight few extra kgs, not too bad looking.

Any pointers are welcome during mid life crisis 🙂 Thanks

1 comment
  1. You sound great.

    Honestly, I gave up dating apps last October. Best decision I ever made. Apps are weird and the same people tend to be on those. Lots of people who don’t know who they are or what they want.

    What’s helped me is joining Facebook groups. Like “Ladies in LA” to be more social. The more events I go to, the more confident I am to socialize. That translates to my everyday life. I met a dude organically shortly after deleting my dating apps because I was more open to social interaction. While it didn’t work out, it was good validation that meeting people in real life isn’t impossible.

    Joining a class or an adult sports team is great too. Also, adult groups. Both my parents are members of community groups. My sister is on the board for Girl Scouts and does a mentorship program in her area.

    I have a girlfriend who plays beach volleyball every weekend and she’s generated a lot of friends through that.

    It really is as simple as putting yourself out there.

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