So, I plan on getting engaged to my girlfriend of 3 years and I had a plan and had asked her if she wanted to go to the place I was planning on for our anniversary but she said she doesn’t want to go and looking at it now it doesn’t seem as special as I want it to be. She is not a fan of crouds or attention (outside of what I give her). We were going to a fancy restaurant that I had reserved the whole second dining room for us. However I would like to here ideas from people who don’t like crowds as well.

  1. Do you have a friend of hers you can ask her for advice? I don’t think it’s too late to scrap this plan if you think she’s not going to be into it 🙂 this is your special moment and you have every right to plan it exactly as you think will be best. I planned to recreate our first date (a day at Coney Island where I’d propose on the wonder wheel) but settled for a cute B&B room where I wrote her a little comic book of our love story and got on one knee by a fireplace. It was super intimate and special! After the big moment it was super nice to call our loved ones and share the good news. I bet you could plan something similar based on your love story with your partner. Best of luck to you and congratulations!!

  2. Is there a (not too crowded) scenic area around you? We went out to eat nice and then my husband proposed on a deserted stretch of beach.

  3. Just anywhere that you can be private and tender. City, county or state park? I’m not a fan of doing it in a restaurants.

    I didn’t have a good plan and popped it in my parent’s guest bedroom (it suddenly came out of my mouth). We’re coming up on 39 years later so the location wasn’t an issue.

  4. My fiancé proposed in our apartment after I got home from work one day. He had our bedroom all set up with balloons, flowers and a light box. It was the cutest and most romantic thing he’s ever done. I love that he did it at home even though he claims it was his plan f and had to cancel all of the others because of covid and other things.

    *edit: spelling

  5. Don’t forget the film crews so you can capture the moment for posterity.

    Just kidding.

    You’re asking her to marry you, it doesn’t need to be a big production. Do you know how to cook? Make a nice dinner at home with candles, a nice tablecloth, champagne on ice, etc, etc, and when it is time for dessert, do the proposal.

    If you don’t know how to cook, then order a caterer or simply have a restaurant deliver. Then do everything else like I said above.

  6. First of I hope it goes well and I mean that positively :]
    I agree with you asking a friend of hers but otherwise I think you reserving a whole dining area if pretty private.
    My husband knew I’m not one for crowds or attention either so the way my husband did it is he surprised me with basically a romantic setting in our house. Dinner, roses, candles the works and then once he convinced me that he just wanted something special for our anniversary he sneakily got down on his knee when I wasn’t looking and then I turned around and there he was. For myself that was perfect.
    But again maybe ask one of her friends first. That can be really helpful. But ofcourse make sure its a friend you can trust and they like you. It sounds extreme but you would be surprised sometimes.

  7. If you rented out the room is it just going to be you two in it? It might be okay if that’s the case as the only people who will know will be the workers and you can tell your waiter that your gf doesn’t like that so to keep it on the low (can’t think of the correct verbiage right now) and maybe just a dessert with congrats on it

  8. My wife doesn’t like to be the center of attention or big crowds to focus on us either. I proposed at a Garden event thing. She loves flowers and the place was huge. I was able to find a place when it was just us and popped the question then. She loved it. Later told me that she appreciated that I waited until we were somewhere with no people lol. Try and find something like that maybe? Something she likes but you know could have that you and her moment for the question?

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