I’ve recently gained weight going from 140 to 200 lbs. this has done a number on my self esteem as to I don’t feel attractive as before. So men how do you view dating women who are bigger?

  1. When I was 200 lbs I was swimming in dates. Don’t worry about it. 🙂 Just include a full length picture so they know what your shape is and have fun.

  2. Some men have a preference for bigger girls. It’s that simple. I’m sure you do for men.

    Just don’t take it personally if someone rejects you. The right person will come along and stay.

  3. Im a 5’4 man weighing 122 lbs. There are several women shorter than me that weigh more than me. I’m objectively a very small man. I feel a bit uncomfortable being around bigger girls cause then it makes me feel feminine and stuff, it has nothing to do with the girl though. I ideally like a woman to weigh less than me and that is my own preference, so like probably 115 lbs or less. Although I will say, that I would not be attracted to someone that heavy. If I do like “bigger girls” they can be slightly chubby and not very overweight or obese. I’m sorry to say but thats just my opinion. Women are allowed to view me being a very small man as being unattractive too.

  4. Every man is different. There is someone out there who will love you and appreciate you at any size. Just keep in mind that just as you may have a preference or things you don’t find attractive (for example, I think long beards are unattractive) too. So while it might make you feel bad that a certain man might not find your size attractive, try not to vilify that. Your size doesn’t define you, as much as it feels that way sometimes.

  5. My wife is bigger than me. Actually, bigger and slightly taller. I’m 5’7″ (1,70m), she is slightly taller, less than half an inch (1,71m). Yet I’m quite a small “frame”, I weigh only 60 kilograms, and my wife weighs 90 kilograms.

    That said, such characteristics never made a difference. I don’t feel “less manly” being smaller, and she doesn’t feel “inadequate” being bigger. We don’t have any problems at all: I’m strong enough to carry her in my arms, she goes on top of me when we are doing our things and honestly she is the hottest woman in the world for me, and always will be.

    What really matters is if you love each other. Then you’re already perfect for one another.

  6. 9 times out of 10 I find “bigger” women unattractive because they wear their self esteem on their sleeves. If you didn’t mention it or let it bother you, then I wouldn’t care. Obviously I wouldn’t care cause I right swiped and matched with you.

  7. By the way, there is a Bruno Mars song named “Chunky”, it talks about how he likes bigger women.

  8. I’m fat I’ve had plenty of success dating just be confident there are lots of guys that like all kinds of body shapes.

  9. i bounce around from 180-210, depending on the time of year. im also 5’8 for reference. it never hindered me in dating. i attract more gym rat, body building types the heavier i am. i attract the skinny, tall or the average across the board guys when im lighter. bigger guys, as in overweight, have never approached me either way.

    dress in clothes that are fit and are flattering. a cute a line dress and boots are very flattering when i’m heavier. then be confident. you’re still beautiful!

  10. For dating I’m a pretty active individual so I probably would not get together with someone who didn’t lead a similar lifestyle. I want to be able to go out running, biking, hiking, to the gym, load up camping supplies on a kayak or paddleboard, etc.

    If she wanted to be able to participate in stuff like that and wanted to work towards being able to than I’d be down for that, but otherwise I don’t think I’d go beyond a friendship, simply because I want to be able to share those parts of my life with my partner.

  11. I know everyone has their own preferences, but being totally honest? I’ve always preferred thicker/curvier/heavier women. I once heard a guy joking about, “Not a lady ’till 180!” and that probably does fall in line with my usual tastes.

    There’s such as thing as being “too big”, but for me that winds up being more about a woman’s shape than weight itself. I mean, it’s rare, but I’ve seen at least 2 or 3 women who were just under 400lbs. and looked incredible. I’ve also seen women who weren’t even quite 200lbs. but just had no defined hips/waist and carried all their weight in their belly with small boobs … and to me, there was just no physical attraction there. If I had to really generalize though? The majority of women I dated and found really attractive probably weighed someplace in the 195-260lbs. range.

  12. Less people are going to find you attractive to put it bluntly. 200 lb is not good for your health and you are certainly not as attractive as before. Getting to a healthier weight will do great things for you

  13. You’re not as attractive as before, but you still won’t have a problem getting dates, because men are more desperate than you are.

    It will limit your options from the top-down, in quality of men.

  14. Go look in the mirror , and say hello gorgeous, smile with confidence and love yourself .

  15. I’ve dated and been with bigger women, men care less about it than you would think and some men prefer bigger women. What men don’t like is if, for example, you try to hide it on OLD profiles or aren’t up front about it. Some men love them some curves.

    If it has done a number on your self esteem you need to find ways to boost it again. Doesn’t necessarily mean you need to lose weight or anything but you need to find what works for you in developing your confidence again.

  16. Hey I have a question, did you gain weight due to birth control or health issues? There are men who like bigger girls and there are men who like slimmer girls. But it all comes to preferences and race I would say. My Asian friends like slim girls and my black friends like bigger girls. I haven’t met an Asian guy who likes bigger girls(I’m Asian and I grew up with Asians) and it’s just a preference

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