So I’m not sure what to do. We have been together for almost 3 years, and I love her.

I have a decent paying remote job. And she’s still in school and competing in sports. She loves about 2 hours away from me.

The trouble with this is she’s an overachiever/workaholic. She’s also religious, so Saturday/Sunday morning is typically the only time of the week I get to see her, but even then, sometimes not for more than a few hours.

To make matters worse, her mom doesn’t even let us sleep on the same floor of the house.

I want to spend more time with her. I just like being with her. But I’m “too distracting” to have around when she’s working.

I have a high sex drive and only doing it once a week at most is killing me, but I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t want to break up with her, but I need more. But I also feel selfish wanting more.

Furthermore while we both want to travel together we can’t due to her school and sports.

Any advice??

TLDR: distance is a bitch. I don’t see her much, sex is very infrequent due to distance, doesn’t happen at all at her house thanks to her mom, not sure what to do.

Marking as nsfw just in case lol

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