I’m a college student, fairly well known & popular amongst my peers, I model and do photography which I would consider fairly social avenues and it’s not like I just sit in the corner to myself I get out and talk, I would even give myself the credit of being a fairly good networker in settings where that’s appropriate. I even have had relatively successful and romantic ventures.

But nothing ever goes anywhere platonically, and I can’t help but feel like there’s either something I’m lacking in approachability or my relationships are skin deep.

I guess I’m asking before this semester starts what is a great way to make closer friends?

and if you’d like to be friends my @ on Instagram is @donnwavyy 😉

  1. I’m dealing with kinda a similar issue. I know people and people know of me but they aren’t actually my friend. So I’ve just started sending them tik toks or something on instagram that I think are funny or have something that we are mutally interesed in (ie. shows, books, foods, movie, etc.). If you’re in person maybe start off with compliments or ask the person for advice? I think I read somewhere that when you ask people for advice they feel helpful or something and like therefore like you better. Sorry this probably isn’t much help. Good luck!

  2. OP… close friendships take time and work. And then they still may not work out. But you have to keep trying anyway.

  3. Start by getting off the internet. Frindship, real, deep friendship is built face to face over time. A stranger on the internet maybe friendly, but they are not friends.

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