Caught up with a friend who is seriously debating leaving because she felt that he lied about a lot of things. The biggest issue is that he smokes and drinks literally everyday.

  1. My husband and I were married for almost a year and half before we lived together…I really can’t think of anything.

  2. That he’s a hoarder and worse didn’t want to keep his stuff in storage. Insanity.

  3. You should not have to live with someone to figure out they smoke and drink everyday. That’s you just not freaking paying attention.

    My husband and I got married when I turned 18. So we didn’t live together before marriage and didn’t officially live together for 5 months after we got married because we were moving across the county after I got done with my first semester in college.

    I honestly can’t answer that question because we’ve been married for 13 years. Our lives living together today doesn’t reflect anything like it was 13 years ago. I can’t remember if I learned something new about him 13 years ago.

    I’m a firm believer in no co-habitation prior to marriage (gay atheist so not a religious thing). You learn nothing that makes or breaks a marriage by living together. Almost every single little thing someone has told me they learn about their spouse by living together (like your friend) is crap you were not paying attention too. Needing to live together is not an excuse for getting all love struck and not going to that persons house or having conversations with them about their lives.

    When you live together, it makes it harder to split, so you are more likely to get married to the wrong person out of obligation and ease.

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