This is only happening this summer and I can’t find any signs of bugs anywhere around my house and I’m a meticulous cleaner too. Any ideas what could it be or are they just mosquitos? They come in multiples but far for each other creating a swollen red bump.
Edit: Forgot to mention I don’t have any pets.

  1. Do you have pets? Could be flea bites? They tend to go for the ankle area.

    Mozzies will bite anything available and are pretty loud so I would think you would hear the little bastard if it was in your room.

  2. Ankle biters, I’ve heard about these quite often. Smaller people who sneak into your house at night for a nibble…

  3. Fleas love hanging out inside the tops of your socks. You can get an infestation even if you don’t have pets

  4. I have those too, and it puzzles me cause I can’t see any bugs either. I don’t think it’s fleas.

  5. We have a family of vampires living in our basement. They come out at night to feast on our blood. But don’t worry, you can get rid of them by sleeping with a garlic clove under your pillow.

  6. I’ve had this. If it’s your ankles it’s probably the floor where you sit. When it happened to me it was under my desk (laminate floors, no idea where they were hiding), I blasted the floor with flea spray, and it stopped.

  7. There is an increase in mosquitos in this country at the moment. I read up on it. Apparently the conditions in April were good for breading and now the conditions are good for them thriving. I suspect as we see hotter summers they population of mosquitoes will increase.

    I take a Antihistamine to stop the itching.

  8. It could be a sweat/heat bump rather than a bite, especially if it doesn’t have a visible bite mark in the centre or is focused around a pore in your skin. If sweat gets trapped against your skin (e.g. by the elasticated bit of your sock) it can cause irritation, and sometimes your body over-reacts and gets inflamed a bit.

  9. Harvest mites. Some people are more susceptible/have stronger reactions. Get a strong antihistamine. Or shower more often.

  10. Mosquitoes. They prefer ankles. Many theories why (just google), including attraction to the smell of feet, ankles being less likely to be covered by clothing, and blood vessels being closer to the surface due to the lack of fat there. You are likely letting them in when you open the windows to let the heat out.

  11. I’ve had this happen with mosquitoes, biting through my socks when I picked an unfortunate place to stop and take photos of a sunset. They didn’t actually come up as itchy lumps till the following morning.

    Fleas are, as others have said, also a possibility even if you don’t have pets (they exist in the environment outside and sometimes turn up inside). If it’s that, then Indorex flea spray, which you can get from a vet or buy online, is incredibly effective on carpets, much better than anything you can get in the supermarket.

  12. Cardboard mites? Maybe you’re getting bitten at work but only noticing later at home?

  13. I’ve just had a flea infestation and that was what happened to me 🙁 indorex from Amazon is what literally everyone recommended to me. Seems to be finally under control now. Good luck.

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