Hello, I have this thing where I dont know when someone is a friend and when he/she is just being a nice person. I struggle to know when I can just talk to somebody randomly just because I want to chat or know how they are. I am specifically posting this because I just got in college and made a, I think, good relationship with most of my classmates (I actually did way better than my past self at socializing, I had the initiative to get to them- most of them knew each other a bit). Now we are in vacations and I wont get to see them until mids of september.

One of the classmates I made a better relationship with was with the only woman in my class. We would be talking almost always during breaks and class, with nice initiative to talk on both sides; we even text messaged after school sometimes, mainly about school stuff but eventually the conversation would lead to other nonschool topics, but if it wasnt for school stuff we would rarely start a convo online (and the times it didnt start with school stuff was when I started talking).

Now, the thing is that I have tried to talk to her these days that we are on “vacations”, but what seems odd to me is that I send her a message(I have sent her two initiative(?) messages on separated occasions during these “vacations”) but she takes like hours to respond, even though she is online and posting random stories on her profile. One thing that I think about is that if I got a message from her I would respond as soon as I am able, not because I am like romantically into her, just because I thought we were friends. Maybe I am being way too nice of a person, because I respond quickly most of the times. And I dont know how to feel, since I thought I had found someone I can talk to without the fear of being ignored (the last message I sent her was like “do you feel better?” because the last time we talked she had told me she was feeling kinda sick, and it has been 10 hrs without any respond even though she has been online and posting stuff). I know there is the chance that she saw my message and ignored it for a later response but then forgot to do so.

By the way, this is one of the only female relationships that I have had with girls of my age (right now 18-20) in my life, since I have mostly only had male friends and didnt care much about making friends with the girls; so I dont know if maybe this is how “women-men friendships” are in general or if she just doesnt care about me really or I am being a stupid here.

What do you think? Thanks.
PD: While I was typing this she just responded xD, but I am still confused on this matter.

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