So to keep it short me (22f) and my bf (26m) have been together for about a year. I was a virgin before him so the sex was obviosly bad. Now I know that’s normal bad he made me feel insecure about it from the very beginning. From the start of the relationship till now he has always been talking/sexting other women, also meeting up with some. Comments women that look the opposite of me all the time while he complains about my looks.( tells me to work out, compares me to the ig models he likes) . Even when we’re in public he would check them in front of me. Now I’m small and petite, his type is the opposite. He never really directly told me that but he makes sure that I know (and cry about it by myself everyday). I remember once he commented on a girl with small tiddies something horrible can’t remember exactly what. One time he saw a tattoed girl on ig and said ” she tattoed herself to make her body more appealing since she has no tits”. He would without any hesitation tell me how he would fuck her or her. I’m so insecure now to the point I can’t stand when he looks at me. I know what he’s thinking about when we have sex. I can’t look him in the eyes and I most definitely can’t enjoy it when I’m so fixated on being unattractive to him. There is absolutely 0 intimacy between us. And if I told him all this he would say it’s my fault, and while that may seem true, how do you expect a girl to intiate and want sex if she feels utterly unwanted. Like being wanted would be the main thing that gives you the confidence to intiate sex . It’s okay if he doesn’t like me but why the hell would he torture me like this?? I feel so pressured when he says he wants sex . At this point I can’t even fake that I’m liking it. Just to mention his looks and “performance” has nothing to do with me not liking it’s that I’m never turned on in the first place. I like him and it would be nice if we could fix this problem since I don’t wanna get stuck in a lovless marriage. I know this is something one talk can solve, and there are 2 solutions, either we fix this or we break up, no in between. At 22 when I should enjoy life the most I will not be with someone who will cheat and can’t keep his weiner in his pants. I don’t have a healthy view on sex anymore and it’a a big problem. I see it as a challenge and I feel pressured to “prove” myself and it’s more of a steessfull experience than an enjoyable one, so naturaly I stopped wanting it. There’s one more issue, and that is that he doesn’t respect my consent. There were multiple times that he didn’t stop when I said no (more than once) , he would fuck me anyway and then get angry whem I’m upset after. I feel ….raped. Does anyone think it’s possible to solve this, with a man that can never possibly think that he’s doing something wrong or that anything is his fault. Any advice is welcome.

Edit: Adding some more things. So this man jerks off like multiple times during the night, most of the time he watches porn or someones pictures, then when he’s close he wakes me up to finish in me. I forgot to mention this because it’a actually the worst part. I’m being waken up every night to be used as a fleshlight. He doesn’t see me as a person. Like I don’t think he is aware that most people find what he’s doing …not so normal. When I was living with my mom I used to get 8 hours of sleep every night. I felt so much more healthier mentaly and physically. I wouldn’t mind if I were waken up for sex, but being waken up for this is not so fun. I know if I told him this he would shrug it off. I think he lives in his little delusional world where he thinks he owns the person he’s dating and that they’re obligated to have sex with him any time of day or night if he wants it. He just gave up on me and started using me as a masturbator. If I ever turned him down or confronted him about this it would end up with me being wrong and his ego hurt probably, which would result in a fight. I know anyone normal would leave him but I really can’t. How do you make a 26 year old grown up man, that he should have little respect for women if he doesn’t want to die alone.

  1. It doesn’t sound like you even like this person anymore, so why are you with him? I can’t say to which degree he’s doing bad things with only having your perspective, but yeah. Talk to him, and if you can’t resolve it, move on?

  2. I think you know the solution, but you’re afraid to make the move. You’re no longer in a healthy relationship and the best thing for your physical and mental health would be to end the relationship. I’m the end you need to do what’s best for yourself and your happiness.

  3. Girl, you’re just 22. Leave him ASAP. He’s definitely not worth it. I’m sure that you’ll be able to find a decent man.

  4. GET OUT NOW!!!! Seriously, I bet if you told your Dad or brother what you just told us, they’d go right now and beat his ass after hearing this!!! You need to take your stuff get out and go to therapy to gain some type of self worth and confidence because your current BF has killed it. It’s abusive and shouldn’t be going on.

  5. He is a peice of shit… fuck him.

    The market for small and petite at 22 is soooo wide open. Go find a better version than this one. It seems to flawed and ignorant.

  6. Do you really think there is any reality you can fix this “relationship” in? Jump ship ASAP. There are so many red flags you cannot even count.

    – Sexting other women 🚩 (Not shaming people who are fine with their partners doing this, though.)
    – Complain about your looks and comparing it to others 🚩
    – Comparing you to IG models, what the 🦆? 🚩🚩🚩 (I mean, if if their pics were not fake anyway, they are posed to oblivion and no normal people could possibly hold up to those standards)
    – Always commenting other girls 🚩
    – Trying to gaslight or manipulate you 🚩
    – Actually raped you (don’t wanna use the red flag here, because this is way beyond being a red flag)

    This is not a relationship, this is an abusive power game. Is there any reason you are staying in this constellation? You wrote that there are two ways: Fix it or breakup. To reiterate: In my opinion there *is* nothing to fix. This guy is an abusive … Abuser and you should break up.

  7. The real question here is where the hell did your self respect go? Reread your own post and ask yourself why you are still with this person.

  8. If someone makes you feel so bad sex is a giant problem , then remove the problem ….. him. And sorry he’s so cruel

    Plus he sounds like a sadist , ohh and when a partner starts being cruel about your appearance it’s to control you. If he can wear down your self esteem then you won’t leave him. That’s what he is trying to do , he’s a monster.

    Get out ASAP

    Nobody dates a person they don’t find attractive , your looks are not the problem, his shitty mind is.

  9. What’s the point of having a boyfriend if he is like this?

    I would rather die alone than date a guy like this.

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