When is the right time to break it to a girl that you’ve little to no dating or relationship experience?

  1. I wouldn’t tell her at all, it’s best to keep that low key. Unless you’re like 18 it’s not worth it. Telling her that you have zero dating experience is a high risk and low reward move.

  2. I formally admitted it after 20 years of marriage, but of course she understood it way before that

  3. Don’t; no one wants to hear that

    Just put in honest effort and what may be may be

  4. When it actually affects something in your relationship. Just focus on your relationship, be open to advice, and enjoy the ride.

    Unless you’re in a Big Brother showmance, then you should tell her right after you fuck her on national television that you just Nadia’d her, be sure to offer her a fresh apple pie afterwards.

  5. Never. You keep it vague. Women only want men that other women want. It’s call pre-selection.

  6. I’m pretty sure they’ll pick up on it sooner or later. At least they did in my case

  7. If she asks – tell her. Otherwise don’t bring up the topic, she’ll most likely figure it out herself. Don’t volunteer information.

    Just don’t lie. Nobody likes a liar.

  8. Women’s perspective – I don’t think you _need_ to tell her, but if there’s a step that you’re nervous to take, I think you should let her know. You don’t even have to clarify a first time explicitly, just a little “Hey, I’m nervous to take this next step with you.”

    A good partner wants to know when you’re feeling nervous, insecure, unsure of yourself, etc. They want to know the truth. Telling her can help her understand why you may seem uncomfortable or nervous, and it can help bring you two together. It can also let her know to be more vocal and guiding if things get awkward. Sure, she could respond poorly, but that could happen to anyone regardless of gender. I’d rather know if my partner was a judgmental asshole before the deed, not after the fact.

  9. I am a very honest person and I value other who are honest. But stuff like this should be kept to yourself. If you have a girlfriend, you are doing something right. It doesn’t matter what experience you have because what you are doing is good enough to keep her as a girlfriend.
    They always say they want you to share vulnerabilities. And that being vulnerable is a brave thing. In my experience, they want vulnerabilities like “I actually love kittens” and not “I’ve only had sex X times in my life.”
    There are certain things that you need to keep with you and only with you. Your girlfriend doesn’t want to know the last time you shat your pants.
    Tell the good stories about yourself. Let them figure out the negative stuff for themselves.

  10. The moral answer is early. The correct answer is never. She will use that against you anytime she can and never see you as her equal. FYI, she’ll probably suspect it without you saying it anyway.

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