If you live with others do you all eat at the same time?

  1. Sometime between 7:15 and 8:30 depending on what else I have going on.

    I don’t get how people eat earlier than that.

  2. My family eats around 4 to 5. And no. We all eat separately. No dining room table to eat at.

  3. My husband and I usually eat around 5pm if we are making a meal at home. If we’re going out he prefers to eat around 6:30/7.

  4. I have a 4 hour eating window 3-7. I do OMAD/ intermittant fasting so all the food for the day is during that time.

  5. Around 5:30-6. Enough time to get home and cook something but not too late for my 5 year old who goes to bed around 8.

  6. Before kids, 7. With kids, 5-5:30. and we try to eat together, but with a toddler and newborn it can be a challenge.

  7. 8pm

    My husband and I eat dinner together almost every night unless we have project that will run into dinner time.

  8. 6PM.

    I grew up eating at 7-9PM every night (we were rarely home due to sports and other activities, so we ate when we could) and I kept that habit into adulthood. Around 5 years ago, I put in a genuine effort to improve my sleep habits and one of the easiest things I found was “stop eating so late.” So I moved my dinner time back 1.5-2 hours and almost immediately I started getting like 1-2 hours of extra sleep a night. So now I make a real effort to sit down for dinner at 6PM. Which means I need to start cooking right now, actually, so thanks for the reminder.

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